ActionClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions

Base class for an Action.

Action::appliesTo() — Method in class Action

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

Action::authorize() — Method in class Action

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

Action::attributes() — Method in class Action

Any extra attributes for the action button.

CopyImpersonationUrl::appliesTo() — Method in class CopyImpersonationUrl

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

CopyImpersonationUrl::authorize() — Method in class CopyImpersonationUrl

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

CopyImpersonationUrl::attributes() — Method in class CopyImpersonationUrl

Any extra attributes for the action button.

CopyLink::appliesTo() — Method in class CopyLink

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

CopyLink::authorize() — Method in class CopyLink

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

CopyLink::attributes() — Method in class CopyLink

Any extra attributes for the action button.

DeleteChannel::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteChannel

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteChannel::authorize() — Method in class DeleteChannel

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteComment::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteComment

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteComment::authorize() — Method in class DeleteComment

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteGroup::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteGroup

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteGroup::authorize() — Method in class DeleteGroup

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeletePost::appliesTo() — Method in class DeletePost

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeletePost::authorize() — Method in class DeletePost

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteReactionSet::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteReactionSet

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteReactionSet::authorize() — Method in class DeleteReactionSet

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteReactionType::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteReactionType

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteReactionType::authorize() — Method in class DeleteReactionType

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteSelf::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteSelf

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteSelf::authorize() — Method in class DeleteSelf

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteStructure::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteStructure

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteStructure::authorize() — Method in class DeleteStructure

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteTag::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteTag

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteTag::authorize() — Method in class DeleteTag

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteTaxonomy::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteTaxonomy

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteTaxonomy::authorize() — Method in class DeleteTaxonomy

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

DeleteUser::appliesTo() — Method in class DeleteUser

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

DeleteUser::authorize() — Method in class DeleteUser

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditChannel::appliesTo() — Method in class EditChannel

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditChannel::authorize() — Method in class EditChannel

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditComment::appliesTo() — Method in class EditComment

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditComment::authorize() — Method in class EditComment

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditGroup::appliesTo() — Method in class EditGroup

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditGroup::authorize() — Method in class EditGroup

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditPost::appliesTo() — Method in class EditPost

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditPost::authorize() — Method in class EditPost

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditReactionSet::appliesTo() — Method in class EditReactionSet

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditReactionSet::authorize() — Method in class EditReactionSet

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditReactionType::appliesTo() — Method in class EditReactionType

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditReactionType::authorize() — Method in class EditReactionType

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditReactionType::attributes() — Method in class EditReactionType

Any extra attributes for the action button.

EditStructure::appliesTo() — Method in class EditStructure

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditStructure::authorize() — Method in class EditStructure

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditTag::appliesTo() — Method in class EditTag

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditTag::authorize() — Method in class EditTag

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditTag::attributes() — Method in class EditTag

Any extra attributes for the action button.

EditTaxonomy::appliesTo() — Method in class EditTaxonomy

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditTaxonomy::authorize() — Method in class EditTaxonomy

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

EditUser::appliesTo() — Method in class EditUser

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

EditUser::authorize() — Method in class EditUser

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

Follow::appliesTo() — Method in class Follow

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

HideComment::appliesTo() — Method in class HideComment

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

HideComment::authorize() — Method in class HideComment

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

Ignore::appliesTo() — Method in class Ignore

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

Lock::appliesTo() — Method in class Lock

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

Lock::authorize() — Method in class Lock

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

MarkAsAnswer::appliesTo() — Method in class MarkAsAnswer

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

MarkAsAnswer::authorize() — Method in class MarkAsAnswer

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

MarkAsRead::appliesTo() — Method in class MarkAsRead

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

MoveToChannel::appliesTo() — Method in class MoveToChannel

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

MoveToChannel::authorize() — Method in class MoveToChannel

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

Pin::appliesTo() — Method in class Pin

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

Pin::authorize() — Method in class Pin

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

React::appliesTo() — Method in class React

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

React::authorize() — Method in class React

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

RestorePost::appliesTo() — Method in class RestorePost

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

RestorePost::authorize() — Method in class RestorePost

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

SuspendUser::appliesTo() — Method in class SuspendUser

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

SuspendUser::authorize() — Method in class SuspendUser

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

TrashPost::appliesTo() — Method in class TrashPost

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

TrashPost::authorize() — Method in class TrashPost

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

Unfollow::appliesTo() — Method in class Unfollow

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

UnhideComment::appliesTo() — Method in class UnhideComment

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

UnhideComment::authorize() — Method in class UnhideComment

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

Unignore::appliesTo() — Method in class Unignore

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

Unlock::appliesTo() — Method in class Unlock

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

Unlock::authorize() — Method in class Unlock

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

Unpin::appliesTo() — Method in class Unpin

Whether the action can logically be applied to the given model.

Unpin::authorize() — Method in class Unpin

Whether a user is allowed to apply the action to the given model.

AuthenticatesWaterholeClass in namespace Waterhole\Auth
Providers::all() — Method in class Providers
ReformatCommand::addModelAttribute() — Method in class ReformatCommand
ActionablesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

The list of models that can have actions applied to them.

ActionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

The list of Actions.

AssetListClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend\Concerns

Manage a list of assets grouped into bundles.

AssetList::add() — Method in class AssetList

Add an asset to a bundle.

AttributesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend\Concerns
OrderedList::add() — Method in class OrderedList

Add an item to the list.

Set::add() — Method in class Set

Add a value to the set.

UnorderedList::add() — Method in class UnorderedList

Add an item to the list.

AlphabeticalClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that sorts results by the title column alphabetically.

Alphabetical::apply() — Method in class Alphabetical

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Filter::apply() — Method in class Filter

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Following::apply() — Method in class Following

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Ignoring::apply() — Method in class Ignoring

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Latest::apply() — Method in class Latest

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Newest::apply() — Method in class Newest

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Oldest::apply() — Method in class Oldest

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Top::apply() — Method in class Top

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Trash::apply() — Method in class Trash

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

Trending::apply() — Method in class Trending

Apply the filter to the feed query builder.

$ GroupPermissions#abilitiesProperty in class GroupPermissions
ActionsControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers

Controller for endpoints related to the Actions system.

PreferencesController::account() — Method in class PreferencesController
ActorSeenClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware

Middleware to save the actor's "last seen" time so that we can use it to show them what content is new since their last visit.

AuthGuardClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
AuthenticateClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
AuthenticateWaterholeClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
$ VerifyCsrfToken#addHttpCookieProperty in class VerifyCsrfToken

Indicates whether the XSRF-TOKEN cookie should be set on the response.

AuthProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
$ Channel#answerableProperty in class Channel
Channel::abilities() — Method in class Channel
$ HasBody#attachmentsProperty in class HasBody
HasBody::attachments() — Method in class HasBody

Relationship with the uploads that were attached in the body.

HasPermissions::abilities() — Method in class HasPermissions

A list of abilities that can be applied to this model.

HasPermissions::allPermitted() — Method in class HasPermissions

Get the model IDs that the given user has permission for.

Group::admin() — Method in class Group

Get an instance of the Admin group.

$ Permission#abilityProperty in class Permission
$ Post#answer_idProperty in class Post
$ Post#answerProperty in class Post
Post::answer() — Method in class Post

Relationship with the post's answer comment.

ReactionsSummaryRelation::addConstraints() — Method in class ReactionsSummaryRelation
ReactionsSummaryRelation::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class ReactionsSummaryRelation
Taxonomy::abilities() — Method in class Taxonomy
$ User#avatarProperty in class User
$ User#avatar_urlProperty in class User
User::authProviders() — Method in class User

Relationship with the user's external authentication providers.

User::avatarUrl() — Method in class User
AppServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
AuthServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
CommentIndexScope::apply() — Method in class CommentIndexScope
PermittedScope::apply() — Method in class PermittedScope
PostVisibleScope::apply() — Method in class PostVisibleScope
WaterholeSso::authenticate() — Method in class WaterholeSso
FluentTranslator::addLines() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::addNamespace() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::addJsonPath() — Method in class FluentTranslator
ActionButtonClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ ActionButton#actionableProperty in class ActionButton
$ ActionButton#actionInstanceProperty in class ActionButton
ActionButtonsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ ActionButtons#actionableProperty in class ActionButtons
$ ActionButtons#actionsProperty in class ActionButtons
ActionFormClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
ActionMenuClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
AlertClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
AttributionClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
AuthButtonsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
AvatarClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ CollapsibleNav#activeComponentProperty in class CollapsibleNav
$ FeedFilters#activeComponentProperty in class FeedFilters
TurboStream::append() — Method in class TurboStream

Make a Turbo Stream to append a component to a target.

TurboStream::after() — Method in class TurboStream

Make a Turbo Stream to insert a component after a target.


$ Action#bulkProperty in class Action

Whether the action can be applied to multiple models at once.

HasWaterholeUser::bootHasWaterholeUser() — Method in class HasWaterholeUser
NewComment::broadcastOn() — Method in class NewComment
NewComment::broadcastWith() — Method in class NewComment
NewPost::broadcastOn() — Method in class NewPost
NotificationReceived::broadcastOn() — Method in class NotificationReceived
NotificationReceived::broadcastWith() — Method in class NotificationReceived
Attributes::build() — Method in class Attributes

Get the resulting class list for the given model.

OrderedList::build() — Method in class OrderedList

Get the resulting list in order.

UnorderedList::build() — Method in class UnorderedList

Get the resulting list.

Channel::booting() — Method in class Channel
$ Comment#bodyProperty in class Comment
Comment::booted() — Method in class Comment
$ HasBody#bodyProperty in class HasBody

The original unformatted version of the body.

$ HasBody#body_htmlProperty in class HasBody

The formatted HTML version of the body for the current user.

$ HasBody#body_textProperty in class HasBody

The parsed body with formatting removed.

HasBody::bootHasBody() — Method in class HasBody
HasPermissions::bootHasPermissions() — Method in class HasPermissions
NotificationContent::bootNotificationContent() — Method in class NotificationContent
ReceivesPermissions::bootReceivesPermissions() — Method in class ReceivesPermissions
Structurable::bootStructurable() — Method in class Structurable
Page::booting() — Method in class Page
Permission::booting() — Method in class Permission
Post::booting() — Method in class Post
ReactionType::booting() — Method in class ReactionType
Tag::booted() — Method in class Tag
Taxonomy::booted() — Method in class Taxonomy
Upload::booted() — Method in class Upload
$ User#bioProperty in class User
User::booted() — Method in class User
User::broadcastChannelRoute() — Method in class User
User::broadcastChannel() — Method in class User
DatabaseChannel::buildPayload() — Method in class DatabaseChannel
Mention::button() — Method in class Mention

The button text to be displayed on the action button in the notification email.

NewComment::button() — Method in class NewComment

The button text to be displayed on the action button in the notification email.

NewPost::button() — Method in class NewPost

The button text to be displayed on the action button in the notification email.

Notification::button() — Method in class Notification

The button text to be displayed on the action button in the notification email.

AppServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class AppServiceProvider
AuthServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
BroadcastServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
BroadcastServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider
ConsoleServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class ConsoleServiceProvider
FormatterServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FormatterServiceProvider
RouteServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
ViewServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
WaterholeSso::buildQuery() — Method in class WaterholeSso
TurboStream::before() — Method in class TurboStream

Make a Turbo Stream to insert a component before a target.


$ Action#confirmProperty in class Action

Whether the action requires confirmation or user input before it is run.

Action::confirm() — Method in class Action

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

Action::confirmButton() — Method in class Action

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

CopyImpersonationUrlClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions

Copy Impersonation URL action.

CopyLinkClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions

Copy Link action.

$ DeleteChannel#confirmProperty in class DeleteChannel
DeleteChannel::confirm() — Method in class DeleteChannel

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteChannel::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteChannel

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteComment#confirmProperty in class DeleteComment
DeleteComment::confirm() — Method in class DeleteComment

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteComment::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteComment

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteGroup#confirmProperty in class DeleteGroup
DeleteGroup::confirm() — Method in class DeleteGroup

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteGroup::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteGroup

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeletePost#confirmProperty in class DeletePost
DeletePost::confirm() — Method in class DeletePost

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeletePost::confirmButton() — Method in class DeletePost

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteReactionSet#confirmProperty in class DeleteReactionSet
DeleteReactionSet::confirm() — Method in class DeleteReactionSet

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteReactionSet::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteReactionSet

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteReactionType#confirmProperty in class DeleteReactionType
DeleteReactionType::confirm() — Method in class DeleteReactionType

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteReactionType::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteReactionType

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteSelf#confirmProperty in class DeleteSelf
DeleteSelf::confirm() — Method in class DeleteSelf

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteSelf::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteSelf

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteStructure#confirmProperty in class DeleteStructure
DeleteStructure::confirm() — Method in class DeleteStructure

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteStructure::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteStructure

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteTag#confirmProperty in class DeleteTag
DeleteTag::confirm() — Method in class DeleteTag

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteTag::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteTag

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteTaxonomy#confirmProperty in class DeleteTaxonomy
DeleteTaxonomy::confirm() — Method in class DeleteTaxonomy

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteTaxonomy::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteTaxonomy

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ DeleteUser#confirmProperty in class DeleteUser
DeleteUser::confirm() — Method in class DeleteUser

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

DeleteUser::confirmButton() — Method in class DeleteUser

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ HideComment#confirmProperty in class HideComment
HideComment::confirm() — Method in class HideComment

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

HideComment::confirmButton() — Method in class HideComment

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ MoveToChannel#confirmProperty in class MoveToChannel
MoveToChannel::confirm() — Method in class MoveToChannel

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

MoveToChannel::confirmButton() — Method in class MoveToChannel

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

$ SuspendUser#confirmProperty in class SuspendUser
SuspendUser::confirm() — Method in class SuspendUser

Confirmation message or view to prompt the user with before the action is run.

SuspendUser::confirmButton() — Method in class SuspendUser

Label to be displayed on the confirmation button.

CacheClearCommandClass in namespace Waterhole\Console
ChannelFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
ChannelFormDetailsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
ChannelFormFeaturesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
ChannelFormLayoutClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
ChannelFormPostingClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
CommentActionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in each comment's footer.

CommentAttributesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

HTML attributes to be applied to comment elements.

CommentFooterClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in each comment's footer.

CommentHeaderClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in each comment's header.

CommentsBottomClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render at the bottom of the last page of comments.

OfComponents::components() — Method in class OfComponents
Set::contains() — Method in class Set

Determines if the set contains a value.

CpAlertsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render at the top of the CP Dashboard.

CpNavClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the Control Panel navigation menu.

CpRoutesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
Formatter::configure() — Method in class Formatter

Add a configuration callback to the formatter.

CommentFeedClass in namespace Waterhole\Feed
$ Feed#currentFilterProperty in class Feed
Top::currentPeriod() — Method in class Top

Get the currently selected time period.

ContextClass in namespace Waterhole\Formatter
FormatExternalLinks::configure() — Method in class FormatExternalLinks

Formatter configuration callback.

FormatMentions::configure() — Method in class FormatMentions

Formatter configuration callback.

FormatUploads::configure() — Method in class FormatUploads

Formatter configuration callback.

$ Formatter#configurationCallbacksProperty in class Formatter
Formatter::configure() — Method in class Formatter

Add a configuration callback to the formatter.

ChannelFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
ContainsFieldsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Concerns
ChannelAnswersClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelDescriptionClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelFiltersClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelIgnoreClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelInstructionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelLayoutClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
$ ChannelLayout#configFieldsProperty in class ChannelLayout
$ ChannelLayout#configModelsProperty in class ChannelLayout
ChannelLayoutCardsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelLayoutListClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelReactionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelSimilarPostsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelSlugClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ChannelTaxonomiesClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ActionsController::confirm() — Method in class ActionsController

Prompt the user to confirm that they want to run an action.

ConfirmPasswordControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Auth
ConfirmPasswordController::confirm() — Method in class ConfirmPasswordController
SsoController::callback() — Method in class SsoController
ControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers

Base controller class.

ChannelControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP channel management (create and update).

ChannelController::create() — Method in class ChannelController
GroupController::create() — Method in class GroupController
PageController::create() — Method in class PageController
ReactionSetController::create() — Method in class ReactionSetController
ReactionTypeController::create() — Method in class ReactionTypeController
StructureHeadingController::create() — Method in class StructureHeadingController
StructureLinkController::create() — Method in class StructureLinkController
TagController::create() — Method in class TagController
TaxonomyController::create() — Method in class TaxonomyController
UserController::create() — Method in class UserController
CommentControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Forum

Controller for comments (show, create, update).

CommentController::create() — Method in class CommentController
IndexController::channel() — Method in class IndexController
PostController::create() — Method in class PostController
PreferencesController::changeEmail() — Method in class PreferencesController
PreferencesController::changePassword() — Method in class PreferencesController
RssController::channel() — Method in class RssController
UserController::comments() — Method in class UserController
ContactOutpostClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
CardsLayoutClass in namespace Waterhole\Layouts
CardsLayout::configField() — Method in class CardsLayout

Name of the Waterhole\Forms\Field class for configuration of the layout.

Layout::configField() — Method in class Layout

Name of the Waterhole\Forms\Field class for configuration of the layout.

ListLayout::configField() — Method in class ListLayout

Name of the Waterhole\Forms\Field class for configuration of the layout.

Outpost::contact() — Method in class Outpost
$ AuthProvider#castsProperty in class AuthProvider
ChannelClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
$ Channel#castsProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#comments_reaction_set_idProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#commentsReactionSetProperty in class Channel
Channel::commentsReactionSet() — Method in class Channel
ChannelUserClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
$ ChannelUser#castsProperty in class ChannelUser
$ ChannelUser#channel_idProperty in class ChannelUser
$ ChannelUser#channelProperty in class ChannelUser
ChannelUser::channel() — Method in class ChannelUser
CommentClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
$ Comment#castsProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#created_atProperty in class Comment
ValidatesData::customAttributes() — Method in class ValidatesData

The model's validation custom attribute translations.

$ Group#colorProperty in class Group
$ Notification#content_typeProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#content_idProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#created_atProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#contentProperty in class Notification
Notification::content() — Method in class Notification

Relationship with the notification's content.

PermissionCollection::can() — Method in class PermissionCollection
$ Post#castsProperty in class Post
$ Post#channel_idProperty in class Post
$ Post#created_atProperty in class Post
$ Post#comment_countProperty in class Post
$ Post#channelProperty in class Post
$ Post#commentsProperty in class Post
Post::channel() — Method in class Post

Relationship with the post's channel.

Post::comments() — Method in class Post

Relationship with the post's comments.

$ PostUser#castsProperty in class PostUser
$ Reaction#contentProperty in class Reaction
Reaction::content() — Method in class Reaction
$ ReactionSet#castsProperty in class ReactionSet
ReactionsSummary::count() — Method in class ReactionsSummary
$ Structure#castsProperty in class Structure
$ Structure#content_typeProperty in class Structure
$ Structure#content_idProperty in class Structure
$ Structure#contentProperty in class Structure
Structure::content() — Method in class Structure
Upload::comments() — Method in class Upload
$ User#castsProperty in class User
$ User#created_atProperty in class User
$ User#commentsProperty in class User
User::comments() — Method in class User

Relationship with the user's comments.

Mention::content() — Method in class Mention

The model associated with the individual notification instance.

NewComment::content() — Method in class NewComment

The model associated with the individual notification instance.

NewPost::content() — Method in class NewPost

The model associated with the individual notification instance.

Notification::content() — Method in class Notification

The model associated with the individual notification instance.

ChannelPolicyClass in namespace Waterhole\Policies
CommentPolicyClass in namespace Waterhole\Policies
CommentPolicy::create() — Method in class CommentPolicy

Any user can create a comment.

PostPolicy::create() — Method in class PostPolicy

Any user can create a post.

PostPolicy::comment() — Method in class PostPolicy

Users can comment on a post if they have permission and the post is not locked.

$ AppServiceProvider#configFilesProperty in class AppServiceProvider
ConsoleServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
$ ConsoleServiceProvider#commandsProperty in class ConsoleServiceProvider
RouteServiceProvider::configureRateLimiting() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
CommentIndexScopeClass in namespace Waterhole\Scopes

Scope to calculate each comment's index (ie. how many comments came before it) in the select clause.

FluentTranslator::choice() — Method in class FluentTranslator
$ Avatar#colorCacheProperty in class Avatar
Avatar::color() — Method in class Avatar
CancelClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
ChannelLabelClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
ChannelPickerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CollapsibleNavClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CommentAnswerBadgeClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CommentFrameClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CommentFullClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CommentMarkAsAnswerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CommentReactionsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CommentRepliesClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CommentReplyButtonClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CommentsLockedClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
ComposerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
CpClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
ColorPickerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components\Cp
$ IconPicker#contentProperty in class IconPicker
$ FeedFilters#componentsProperty in class FeedFilters
$ FeedTopPeriod#currentPeriodProperty in class FeedTopPeriod
$ IndexFooterLanguage#currentLocaleProperty in class IndexFooterLanguage
$ NotificationsBadge#countProperty in class NotificationsBadge
$ PostCard#configProperty in class PostCard
$ PostListItem#configProperty in class PostListItem


$ Action#destructiveProperty in class Action

Whether the action is destructive, and should have a red appearance.

DeleteChannelClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteChannel#destructiveProperty in class DeleteChannel
DeleteCommentClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteComment#destructiveProperty in class DeleteComment
DeleteGroupClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteGroup#destructiveProperty in class DeleteGroup
DeletePostClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeletePost#destructiveProperty in class DeletePost
DeleteReactionSetClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteReactionSet#destructiveProperty in class DeleteReactionSet
DeleteReactionTypeClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteReactionType#destructiveProperty in class DeleteReactionType
DeleteSelfClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteSelf#destructiveProperty in class DeleteSelf
DeleteStructureClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteStructure#destructiveProperty in class DeleteStructure
DeleteTagClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteTag#destructiveProperty in class DeleteTag
DeleteTaxonomyClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteTaxonomy#destructiveProperty in class DeleteTaxonomy
DeleteUserClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
$ DeleteUser#destructiveProperty in class DeleteUser
SsoPayload::decrypt() — Method in class SsoPayload
$ CacheClearCommand#descriptionProperty in class CacheClearCommand
$ InstallCommand#descriptionProperty in class InstallCommand
$ MakeExtensionCommand#descriptionProperty in class MakeExtensionCommand
$ ReformatCommand#descriptionProperty in class ReformatCommand
DocumentHeadClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the document .

DashboardControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP dashboard.

$ Channel#descriptionProperty in class Channel
Channel::defaultAbilities() — Method in class Channel
HasPermissions::defaultAbilities() — Method in class HasPermissions

A list of abilities to check by default when creating a model.

$ Notification#dataProperty in class Notification
$ Post#deleted_atProperty in class Post
ReactionSet::defaultPosts() — Method in class ReactionSet
ReactionSet::defaultComments() — Method in class ReactionSet
Taxonomy::defaultAbilities() — Method in class Taxonomy
DatabaseChannelClass in namespace Waterhole\Notifications
Mention::description() — Method in class Mention

A description of this notification type in the user preferences.

NewComment::description() — Method in class NewComment

A description of this notification type in the user preferences.

NewPost::description() — Method in class NewPost

A description of this notification type in the user preferences.

Notification::description() — Method in class Notification

A description of this notification type in the user preferences.

PostPolicy::delete() — Method in class PostPolicy

Users can delete their own posts if they're uncommented on. Users with the moderate ability can delete any posts.

Streamable::data() — Method in class Streamable

Automatically set the class attribute on the attribute bag.

DialogClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ RelativeTime#dateTimeProperty in class RelativeTime


EditChannelClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditCommentClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditGroupClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditPostClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditReactionSetClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditReactionTypeClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditStructureClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditTagClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditTaxonomyClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
EditUserClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
SsoPayload::encrypt() — Method in class SsoPayload
ServiceProvider::extend() — Method in class ServiceProvider
ChannelController::edit() — Method in class ChannelController
GroupController::edit() — Method in class GroupController
PageController::edit() — Method in class PageController
ReactionSetController::edit() — Method in class ReactionSetController
ReactionTypeController::edit() — Method in class ReactionTypeController
StructureHeadingController::edit() — Method in class StructureHeadingController
StructureLinkController::edit() — Method in class StructureLinkController
TagController::edit() — Method in class TagController
TaxonomyController::edit() — Method in class TaxonomyController
UserController::edit() — Method in class UserController
CommentController::edit() — Method in class CommentController
PostController::edit() — Method in class PostController
$ VerifyCsrfToken#exceptProperty in class VerifyCsrfToken

The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.

LicenseManager::error() — Method in class LicenseManager
$ Channel#edit_urlProperty in class Channel
Channel::editUrl() — Method in class Channel
$ Comment#edited_atProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#edit_urlProperty in class Comment
Comment::editUrl() — Method in class Comment
$ Group#edit_urlProperty in class Group
Group::editUrl() — Method in class Group
$ Page#edit_urlProperty in class Page
Page::editUrl() — Method in class Page
$ Post#edited_atProperty in class Post
$ Post#edit_urlProperty in class Post
Post::editUrl() — Method in class Post
ReactionSet::editUrl() — Method in class ReactionSet
ReactionType::editUrl() — Method in class ReactionType
$ StructureHeading#edit_urlProperty in class StructureHeading
StructureHeading::editUrl() — Method in class StructureHeading
$ StructureLink#edit_urlProperty in class StructureLink
StructureLink::editUrl() — Method in class StructureLink
Tag::editUrl() — Method in class Tag
Taxonomy::editUrl() — Method in class Taxonomy
$ User#emailProperty in class User
$ User#email_verified_atProperty in class User
$ User#edit_urlProperty in class User
User::editUrl() — Method in class User
Mention::excerpt() — Method in class Mention

An excerpt from the notification content.

NewComment::excerpt() — Method in class NewComment

An excerpt from the notification content.

NewPost::excerpt() — Method in class NewPost

An excerpt from the notification content.

Notification::excerpt() — Method in class Notification

An excerpt from the notification content.

CommentPolicy::edit() — Method in class CommentPolicy

Users can edit their own comments. Users who can moderate a post can edit its comments.

PostPolicy::edit() — Method in class PostPolicy

Users can edit their own posts. Users with the moderate ability can edit any posts.

EventServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
EngineInterfaceClass in namespace Waterhole\Search
EmailVerificationClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components


FollowClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
Actions::for() — Method in class Actions

Get a list of action instances that can be applied to the given model(s).

AssetList::flush() — Method in class AssetList

Flush all bundles so they are regenerated on the next request.

AssetList::flushBundle() — Method in class AssetList

Flush a specific bundle so that is it regenerated on the next request.

FormatterClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

An extender to register formatting callbacks.

ForumRoutesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
FeedClass in namespace Waterhole\Feed

A Feed is a paginated query that can have Filters applied to it.

$ Feed#filtersProperty in class Feed
FilterClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

Base class for a Filter.

FollowingClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that shows items that the user is following, with the most recently followed at the top.

FormatExternalLinksClass in namespace Waterhole\Formatter
FormatMentionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Formatter

User mention parsing utilities.

FormatMentions::filterMention() — Method in class FormatMentions

Determine whether a mention tag should be kept.

FormatUploadsClass in namespace Waterhole\Formatter

Upload parsing utilities.

FormatterClass in namespace Waterhole\Formatter

The Formatter parses plain text content and renders it as HTML.

Formatter::flush() — Method in class Formatter

Flush the formatter from the cache.

ChannelForm::fields() — Method in class ChannelForm
FieldClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
FormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
Form::fields() — Method in class Form
FormSectionClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
GroupForm::fields() — Method in class GroupForm
PageForm::fields() — Method in class PageForm
PostForm::fields() — Method in class PostForm
ReactionSetForm::fields() — Method in class ReactionSetForm
ReactionTypeForm::fields() — Method in class ReactionTypeForm
RegistrationForm::fields() — Method in class RegistrationForm
StructureLinkForm::fields() — Method in class StructureLinkForm
TagForm::fields() — Method in class TagForm
TaxonomyForm::fields() — Method in class TaxonomyForm
UserForm::fields() — Method in class UserForm
UserProfileForm::fields() — Method in class UserProfileForm
ForgotPasswordControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Auth
FormatControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers

Controller to render plain-text content as HTML.

$ Channel#filtersProperty in class Channel
$ ChannelUser#followed_atProperty in class ChannelUser
FollowableClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods to make a model "followable" per user.

$ Followable#followedByProperty in class Followable
Followable::followedBy() — Method in class Followable

Relationship with all users who are following this model.

Followable::follow() — Method in class Followable

Follow this model for the current user.

$ UsesFormatter#formattersProperty in class UsesFormatter
UsesFormatter::format() — Method in class UsesFormatter

Render an attribute as HTML for the given user.

$ PostUser#followed_atProperty in class PostUser
Upload::fromFile() — Method in class Upload
$ User#follow_on_commentProperty in class User
FormatterServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
Payload::fromString() — Method in class Payload
FluentTranslatorClass in namespace Waterhole\Translation

Translator decorator that adds support for Fluent translations.

FluentTranslator::flush() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FeedFiltersClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ FeedFilters#firstComponentsProperty in class FeedFilters
FeedTopPeriodClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
FieldClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
FollowButtonClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ FollowButton#followableProperty in class FollowButton
FeedClass in namespace Waterhole\Widgets
$ Feed#feedProperty in class Feed


HasWaterholeUser::getWaterholeProviderName() — Method in class HasWaterholeUser
SsoUser::getId() — Method in class SsoUser
SsoUser::getNickname() — Method in class SsoUser
SsoUser::getName() — Method in class SsoUser
SsoUser::getEmail() — Method in class SsoUser
SsoUser::getAvatar() — Method in class SsoUser
SsoUser::getGroups() — Method in class SsoUser
Migration::getConnection() — Method in class Migration
Actionables::getActionableName() — Method in class Actionables

Get the actionable name of the given model.

OrderedList::get() — Method in class OrderedList

Get an item in the list.

UnorderedList::get() — Method in class UnorderedList

Get an item in the list.

GroupFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
GroupFormDetailsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
FormatMentions::getMentionedUsers() — Method in class FormatMentions

Get all the user IDs that have been mentioned in a piece of content.

FormatUploads::getAttachedUploads() — Method in class FormatUploads

Get all the upload filenames that have been used in a piece of content.

Formatter::getConfigurator() — Method in class Formatter
Formatter::getComponent() — Method in class Formatter
Formatter::getParser() — Method in class Formatter
Formatter::getRenderer() — Method in class Formatter
GroupAppearanceClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
GroupNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
GroupPermissionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
$ UserGroups#groupsProperty in class UserGroups
GroupFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
GroupControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP group management (list, create, and update).

NotificationController::go() — Method in class NotificationController
ChannelUser::getKey() — Method in class ChannelUser
Comment::getPerPage() — Method in class Comment
NotificationContent::groupedNotifications() — Method in class NotificationContent

Relationship with the notifications grouped by this model.

UsesFormatter::getFormatter() — Method in class UsesFormatter

Set a formatter instance for this model.

UsesFormatter::getAttribute() — Method in class UsesFormatter
GroupClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
Group::guest() — Method in class Group

Get an instance of the Guest group.

Model::getConnectionName() — Method in class Model
$ Notification#group_typeProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#group_idProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#groupProperty in class Notification
Notification::getConnectionName() — Method in class Notification
Notification::group() — Method in class Notification

Relationship with the notification's group.

Post::getPerPage() — Method in class Post
Post::getRouteKey() — Method in class Post
PostUser::getKey() — Method in class PostUser
ReactionsSummaryRelation::getResults() — Method in class ReactionsSummaryRelation
$ User#groupsProperty in class User
User::groups() — Method in class User

Relationship with the user's selected groups.

NewComment::group() — Method in class NewComment

A common model to group multiple notifications together.

NewComment::groupedUrl() — Method in class NewComment

The URL that the user should be taken to when they click a grouped notification.

Notification::group() — Method in class Notification

A common model to group multiple notifications together.

Notification::groupedUrl() — Method in class Notification

The URL that the user should be taken to when they click a grouped notification.

Payload::getNonce() — Method in class Payload
Payload::getReturnUrl() — Method in class Payload
Payload::get() — Method in class Payload
FluentTranslator::get() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::getSelector() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::getLoader() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::getLocale() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::getFallback() — Method in class FluentTranslator
GroupBadgeClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ UserGroups#groupsProperty in class UserGroups
GettingStartedClass in namespace Waterhole\Widgets


HideCommentClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
HasWaterholeUserClass in namespace Waterhole\Auth
Providers::has() — Method in class Providers
CacheClearCommand::handle() — Method in class CacheClearCommand
InstallCommand::handle() — Method in class InstallCommand
MakeExtensionCommand::handle() — Method in class MakeExtensionCommand
ReformatCommand::handle() — Method in class ReformatCommand
HeaderClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the page header.

Filter::handle() — Method in class Filter

The handle for the filter, used in query parameters.

IndexController::home() — Method in class IndexController
ActorSeen::handle() — Method in class ActorSeen
AuthGuard::handle() — Method in class AuthGuard
AuthenticateWaterhole::handle() — Method in class AuthenticateWaterhole
ContactOutpost::handle() — Method in class ContactOutpost
Localize::handle() — Method in class Localize
MaybeRequireLogin::handle() — Method in class MaybeRequireLogin
MaybeRequirePassword::handle() — Method in class MaybeRequirePassword
PoweredByHeader::handle() — Method in class PoweredByHeader
RedirectIfAuthenticated::handle() — Method in class RedirectIfAuthenticated

Handle an incoming request.

$ Comment#hiddenProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#hidden_atProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#hidden_byProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#hidden_reasonProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#hiddenByProperty in class Comment
Comment::hiddenBy() — Method in class Comment
HasBodyClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods to give a model a formatted text body.

HasIconClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods to manage a model's icon attribute.

HasImageAttributesClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods to associate uploaded images with a model.

HasPermissionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods to manage permissions on a model.

HasUserStateClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods to give a model per-user state.

$ StructureLink#hrefProperty in class StructureLink
$ User#hiddenProperty in class User
$ User#headlineProperty in class User
HighlighterClass in namespace Waterhole\Search
Highlighter::highlight() — Method in class Highlighter

Highlight matching words in the text with <mark> tags.

HitClass in namespace Waterhole\Search
FluentTranslator::hasForLocale() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::has() — Method in class FluentTranslator
HeaderClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
HeaderBreadcrumbClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
HeaderGuestClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
HeaderNotificationsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
HeaderSearchClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
HeaderTitleClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
HeaderUserClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
HtmlClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
TagsFilter::href() — Method in class TagsFilter
$ UserWebsite#hostProperty in class UserWebsite
Waterhole::hasPendingMigrations() — Method in class Waterhole


Action::icon() — Method in class Action

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

CopyImpersonationUrl::icon() — Method in class CopyImpersonationUrl

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

CopyLink::icon() — Method in class CopyLink

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteChannel::icon() — Method in class DeleteChannel

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteComment::icon() — Method in class DeleteComment

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteGroup::icon() — Method in class DeleteGroup

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeletePost::icon() — Method in class DeletePost

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteReactionSet::icon() — Method in class DeleteReactionSet

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteReactionType::icon() — Method in class DeleteReactionType

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteStructure::icon() — Method in class DeleteStructure

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteTag::icon() — Method in class DeleteTag

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteTaxonomy::icon() — Method in class DeleteTaxonomy

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteUser::icon() — Method in class DeleteUser

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditChannel::icon() — Method in class EditChannel

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditComment::icon() — Method in class EditComment

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditGroup::icon() — Method in class EditGroup

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditPost::icon() — Method in class EditPost

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditReactionSet::icon() — Method in class EditReactionSet

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditReactionType::icon() — Method in class EditReactionType

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditStructure::icon() — Method in class EditStructure

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditTag::icon() — Method in class EditTag

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditTaxonomy::icon() — Method in class EditTaxonomy

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

EditUser::icon() — Method in class EditUser

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

Follow::icon() — Method in class Follow

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

HideComment::icon() — Method in class HideComment

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

IgnoreClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
Ignore::icon() — Method in class Ignore

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

Lock::icon() — Method in class Lock

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

MarkAsAnswer::icon() — Method in class MarkAsAnswer

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

MarkAsRead::icon() — Method in class MarkAsRead

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

MoveToChannel::icon() — Method in class MoveToChannel

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

Pin::icon() — Method in class Pin

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

React::icon() — Method in class React

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

RestorePost::icon() — Method in class RestorePost

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

SuspendUser::icon() — Method in class SuspendUser

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

TrashPost::icon() — Method in class TrashPost

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

Unfollow::icon() — Method in class Unfollow

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

UnhideComment::icon() — Method in class UnhideComment

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

Unignore::icon() — Method in class Unignore

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

Unlock::icon() — Method in class Unlock

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

Unpin::icon() — Method in class Unpin

The name of an icon to be displayed in the action button.

InstallCommandClass in namespace Waterhole\Console
IndexFooterClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the index footer.

IndexSidebarClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the index sidebar.

Feed::items() — Method in class Feed

Get the paginated feed items.

IgnoringClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that shows items that the user is ignoring, with the most recently ignored at the top.

IconClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
DashboardController::index() — Method in class DashboardController
GroupController::index() — Method in class GroupController
ReactionSetController::index() — Method in class ReactionSetController
StructureController::index() — Method in class StructureController
TaxonomyController::index() — Method in class TaxonomyController
UserController::index() — Method in class UserController
IndexControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Forum

Controller for the forum index (home, channels, and pages).

NotificationController::index() — Method in class NotificationController
PreferencesController::index() — Method in class PreferencesController
ImpersonateControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers

Controller to impersonate users.

CardsLayout::icon() — Method in class CardsLayout

The icon representing the layout.

CardsLayout::itemComponent() — Method in class CardsLayout

The name of the component used to display a post in the layout.

Layout::icon() — Method in class Layout

The icon representing the layout.

Layout::itemComponent() — Method in class Layout

The name of the component used to display a post in the layout.

ListLayout::icon() — Method in class ListLayout

The icon representing the layout.

ListLayout::itemComponent() — Method in class ListLayout

The name of the component used to display a post in the layout.

LicenseManager::invalid() — Method in class LicenseManager
$ Channel#idProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#instructionsProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#ignoreProperty in class Channel
Channel::isIgnored() — Method in class Channel
$ Comment#idProperty in class Comment
Comment::isUnread() — Method in class Comment

Determine whether this comment is unread by the current user.

Comment::isRead() — Method in class Comment

Determine whether this comment is read by the current user.

Comment::isAnswer() — Method in class Comment

Determine whether this comment has been marked as the answer.

Comment::isHidden() — Method in class Comment

Determine whether this comment has been hidden.

$ Followable#ignoredByProperty in class Followable
Followable::ignoredBy() — Method in class Followable

Relationship with all users who are ignoring this model.

Followable::ignore() — Method in class Followable

Ignore this model for the current user.

Followable::isFollowed() — Method in class Followable

Whether the current user is following this model.

Followable::isIgnored() — Method in class Followable

Whether the current user is ignoring this model.

$ HasIcon#iconProperty in class HasIcon
$ HasIcon#icon_fileProperty in class HasIcon

The path to the icon file, if the icon is the file type.

HasIcon::iconFile() — Method in class HasIcon
HasPermissions::isPublic() — Method in class HasPermissions
$ Group#idProperty in class Group
$ Group#is_publicProperty in class Group
Group::isGuest() — Method in class Group

Whether this group is the Guest group.

Group::isMember() — Method in class Group

Whether this group is the Member group.

Group::isAdmin() — Method in class Group

Whether this group is the Admin group.

Group::isCustom() — Method in class Group

Whether this group is a custom (user-defined) group.

$ Notification#idProperty in class Notification
$ Page#idProperty in class Page
$ Permission#idProperty in class Permission
PermissionCollection::ids() — Method in class PermissionCollection
$ Post#idProperty in class Post
$ Post#is_lockedProperty in class Post
$ Post#is_pinnedProperty in class Post
Post::isUnread() — Method in class Post

Determine whether this post contains any new activity for the current user.

Post::isRead() — Method in class Post

Determine whether this post has been fully read by the current user.

Post::isNew() — Method in class Post

Determine whether this post has never before been seen by the current user.

$ Reaction#idProperty in class Reaction
ReactionsSummaryRelation::initRelation() — Method in class ReactionsSummaryRelation
$ Structure#idProperty in class Structure
$ Structure#is_listedProperty in class Structure
$ StructureHeading#idProperty in class StructureHeading
$ StructureLink#idProperty in class StructureLink
$ User#idProperty in class User
User::isAdmin() — Method in class User

Determine whether this user is an admin.

User::isRootAdmin() — Method in class User

Determine whether this user is the root admin.

User::isOnline() — Method in class User

Determine whether the user is online (active in the last 5 minutes).

User::isSuspended() — Method in class User
Mention::icon() — Method in class Mention

The name of an icon to represent the notification.

NewComment::icon() — Method in class NewComment

The name of an icon to represent the notification.

NewPost::icon() — Method in class NewPost

The name of an icon to represent the notification.

Notification::icon() — Method in class Notification

The name of an icon to represent the notification.

$ ActionForm#isAuthorizedProperty in class ActionForm
$ ChannelPicker#itemsProperty in class ChannelPicker
IconPickerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components\Cp
IndexClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
IndexCreatePostClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
IndexFooterClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
IndexFooterLanguageClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
IndexNavClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
InfiniteScrollClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ NavLink#isActiveProperty in class NavLink
$ PostUnread#isNotifiableProperty in class PostUnread
Waterhole::isForumRoute() — Method in class Waterhole
Waterhole::isCpRoute() — Method in class Waterhole
Waterhole::isWaterholeRoute() — Method in class Waterhole
$ GettingStarted#itemsProperty in class GettingStarted
$ LineChart#idProperty in class LineChart


UnorderedList::keys() — Method in class UnorderedList

Get the keys that have been registered.


Action::label() — Method in class Action

The label to be displayed in the action button.

CopyImpersonationUrl::label() — Method in class CopyImpersonationUrl

The label to be displayed in the action button.

CopyLink::label() — Method in class CopyLink

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteChannel::label() — Method in class DeleteChannel

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteComment::label() — Method in class DeleteComment

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteGroup::label() — Method in class DeleteGroup

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeletePost::label() — Method in class DeletePost

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteReactionSet::label() — Method in class DeleteReactionSet

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteReactionType::label() — Method in class DeleteReactionType

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteSelf::label() — Method in class DeleteSelf

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteStructure::label() — Method in class DeleteStructure

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteTag::label() — Method in class DeleteTag

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteTaxonomy::label() — Method in class DeleteTaxonomy

The label to be displayed in the action button.

DeleteUser::label() — Method in class DeleteUser

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditChannel::label() — Method in class EditChannel

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditComment::label() — Method in class EditComment

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditGroup::label() — Method in class EditGroup

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditPost::label() — Method in class EditPost

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditReactionSet::label() — Method in class EditReactionSet

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditReactionType::label() — Method in class EditReactionType

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditStructure::label() — Method in class EditStructure

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditTag::label() — Method in class EditTag

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditTaxonomy::label() — Method in class EditTaxonomy

The label to be displayed in the action button.

EditUser::label() — Method in class EditUser

The label to be displayed in the action button.

Follow::label() — Method in class Follow

The label to be displayed in the action button.

HideComment::label() — Method in class HideComment

The label to be displayed in the action button.

Ignore::label() — Method in class Ignore

The label to be displayed in the action button.

LinkClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions

Base class for a "link" action.

LockClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
Lock::label() — Method in class Lock

The label to be displayed in the action button.

MarkAsAnswer::label() — Method in class MarkAsAnswer

The label to be displayed in the action button.

MarkAsRead::label() — Method in class MarkAsRead

The label to be displayed in the action button.

MoveToChannel::label() — Method in class MoveToChannel

The label to be displayed in the action button.

Pin::label() — Method in class Pin

The label to be displayed in the action button.

React::label() — Method in class React

The label to be displayed in the action button.

RestorePost::label() — Method in class RestorePost

The label to be displayed in the action button.

SuspendUser::label() — Method in class SuspendUser

The label to be displayed in the action button.

TrashPost::label() — Method in class TrashPost

The label to be displayed in the action button.

Unfollow::label() — Method in class Unfollow

The label to be displayed in the action button.

UnhideComment::label() — Method in class UnhideComment

The label to be displayed in the action button.

Unignore::label() — Method in class Unignore

The label to be displayed in the action button.

Unlock::label() — Method in class Unlock

The label to be displayed in the action button.

Unpin::label() — Method in class Unpin

The label to be displayed in the action button.

LayoutAfterClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the layout after the main content.

LayoutBeforeClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the layout before the main content.

LocalesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of supported locales.

LoginPageClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
$ PostFeed#layoutsProperty in class PostFeed
Alphabetical::label() — Method in class Alphabetical

The text label for the filter.

Filter::label() — Method in class Filter

The text label for the filter.

Following::label() — Method in class Following

The text label for the filter.

Ignoring::label() — Method in class Ignoring

The text label for the filter.

LatestClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that sorts results by most recently active.

Latest::label() — Method in class Latest

The text label for the filter.

Newest::label() — Method in class Newest

The text label for the filter.

Oldest::label() — Method in class Oldest

The text label for the filter.

Top::label() — Method in class Top

The text label for the filter.

Trash::label() — Method in class Trash

The text label for the filter.

Trending::label() — Method in class Trending

The text label for the filter.

$ ChannelLayout#layoutsProperty in class ChannelLayout
LoginControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Auth
LoginController::login() — Method in class LoginController
LogoutControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Auth
LogoutController::logout() — Method in class LogoutController
SsoController::login() — Method in class SsoController
LocalizeClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
CardsLayout::label() — Method in class CardsLayout

The text label for the layout.

LayoutClass in namespace Waterhole\Layouts

Base class for a Layout.

Layout::label() — Method in class Layout

The text label for the layout.

ListLayoutClass in namespace Waterhole\Layouts
ListLayout::label() — Method in class ListLayout

The text label for the layout.

LicenseManagerClass in namespace Waterhole\Licensing
$ Channel#layoutProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#layout_configProperty in class Channel
HasUserState::loadUserState() — Method in class HasUserState

Load the userState relationship for the given user.

$ Post#last_activity_atProperty in class Post
$ Post#lastCommentProperty in class Post
Post::lastComment() — Method in class Post

Relationship with the post's most recent comment.

$ PostUser#last_read_atProperty in class PostUser
$ User#localeProperty in class User
$ User#locationProperty in class User
$ User#last_seen_atProperty in class User
Mention::load() — Method in class Mention

Load additional relationships onto the notifications models before displaying the notification list.

NewComment::load() — Method in class NewComment

Load additional relationships onto the notifications models before displaying the notification list.

NewPost::load() — Method in class NewPost

Load additional relationships onto the notifications models before displaying the notification list.

Notification::load() — Method in class Notification

Load additional relationships onto the notifications models before displaying the notification list.

$ EventServiceProvider#listenProperty in class EventServiceProvider
FluentTranslator::loadPath() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::loadNamespaced() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::loadNamespaceOverrides() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::load() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::locale() — Method in class FluentTranslator
LaravelTranslatorClass in namespace Waterhole\Translation
$ FollowButton#localePrefixProperty in class FollowButton
$ IndexFooterLanguage#localesProperty in class IndexFooterLanguage
LayoutClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ PostTagsSummary#limitProperty in class PostTagsSummary
$ Feed#lazyProperty in class Feed
LineChartClass in namespace Waterhole\Widgets
$ LineChart#lazyProperty in class LineChart


MarkAsAnswerClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
MarkAsReadClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
MoveToChannelClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
MakeExtensionCommandClass in namespace Waterhole\Console
MigrationClass in namespace Waterhole\Database
ActionsController::menu() — Method in class ActionsController

Render the contents of the actions menu for a set of models.

MaybeRequireLoginClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware

Middleware to require guests to log in if there are no structure items visible to the public.

MaybeRequirePasswordClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware

Middleware to require password confirmation, but only if the user's account has a password set.

MarkdownClass in namespace Waterhole\Mail
Comment::markAsEdited() — Method in class Comment

Mark this comment as having been edited just now.

$ HasBody#mentionsProperty in class HasBody
HasBody::mentions() — Method in class HasBody

Relationship with the users who were mentioned in the body.

ValidatesData::messages() — Method in class ValidatesData

The model's validation messages.

Group::member() — Method in class Group

Get an instance of the Member group.

ModelClass in namespace Waterhole\Models

Base class for a Waterhole Eloquent model.

Post::markAsEdited() — Method in class Post

Mark this post as having been edited just now.

$ PostUser#mentioned_atProperty in class PostUser
ReactionsSummaryRelation::match() — Method in class ReactionsSummaryRelation
User::markNotificationsRead() — Method in class User

Mark the user's notifications about a specific subject as read.

MentionClass in namespace Waterhole\Notifications
CommentPolicy::moderate() — Method in class CommentPolicy

Users who can moderate a post can moderate its comments.

PostPolicy::moderate() — Method in class PostPolicy

Users can moderate a post and its comments if they have permission.

PostPolicy::move() — Method in class PostPolicy

Users can move their own posts if they're uncommented on. Users with the moderate ability can move any posts.

MailServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
MySqlEngineClass in namespace Waterhole\Search
MenuDividerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
MenuItemClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ Reactions#modelProperty in class Reactions


NewCommentClass in namespace Waterhole\Events
NewPostClass in namespace Waterhole\Events
NotificationReceivedClass in namespace Waterhole\Events
NotificationTypesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of notification types to offer user preferences for.

NewestClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that sorts results by most recently created.

NotificationControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Forum

Controller for notification management.

PreferencesController::notifications() — Method in class PreferencesController
$ Channel#nameProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#newPostsProperty in class Channel
Channel::newPosts() — Method in class Channel

Relationship with posts that are new since this channel was followed.

$ ChannelUser#notificationsProperty in class ChannelUser
NotificationContentClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Trait for models that notifications can be about.

NotificationContent::notifications() — Method in class NotificationContent

Relationship with the notifications about this model.

$ Group#nameProperty in class Group
NotificationClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
$ Notification#notifiable_typeProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#notifiable_idProperty in class Notification
$ Page#nameProperty in class Page
Permission::newCollection() — Method in class Permission
$ PostUser#notificationsProperty in class PostUser
$ StructureHeading#nameProperty in class StructureHeading
$ StructureLink#nameProperty in class StructureLink
$ User#nameProperty in class User
$ User#notification_channelsProperty in class User
$ User#notifications_read_atProperty in class User
$ User#notificationsProperty in class User
User::notifications() — Method in class User

Relationship with the user's notifications.

NewCommentClass in namespace Waterhole\Notifications
NewPostClass in namespace Waterhole\Notifications
NotificationClass in namespace Waterhole\Notifications

Base class for a Waterhole notification.

$ IndexNav#navProperty in class IndexNav
NavHeadingClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
NavLinkClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
NotificationClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
NotificationAlertClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
NotificationsBadgeClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components


OfComponentsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend\Concerns
OrderedListClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend\Concerns
OldestClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that sorts results by least recently created.

OutpostClass in namespace Waterhole\Licensing
$ User#originalUserProperty in class User
User::originalUser() — Method in class User

Get the original user that was used to authenticate this Waterhole request.

$ FeedFilters#overflowComponentsProperty in class FeedFilters


PinClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
ProvidersClass in namespace Waterhole\Auth
Formatter::parsing() — Method in class Formatter

Add a parsing callback to the formatter.

PageFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
PageFormDetailsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
PostAttributesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

HTML attributes to be applied to post elements.

PostFeedHeaderClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the post feed header.

PostFeedQueryClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
PostFeedToolbarClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the post feed toolbar.

PostFiltersClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of filters that can be applied to post feeds, to make available for selection when configuring a Channel.

PostFooterClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in each post's footer.

PostFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
PostHeaderClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the post page header.

PostInfoClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render under each post's title.

PostLayoutsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of layouts that can be applied to post feeds.

PostListItemClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render for each post in the "list" layout.

PostPageClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render on the post page, between the post and the comments.

PostScopesClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
PostSidebarClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the post page sidebar.

PreferencesAccountClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
PostFeedClass in namespace Waterhole\Feed
$ Formatter#parsingCallbacksProperty in class Formatter
Formatter::parse() — Method in class Formatter

Parse plain text into an XML document for storage in the database.

Formatter::parsing() — Method in class Formatter

Add a parsing callback to the formatter.

PageBodyClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
PageNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
PageSlugClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
PermissionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
PostBodyClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
PostTagsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
PostTitleClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
PageFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
PostFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
PageControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP page management (create and update).

IndexController::page() — Method in class IndexController
PostControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Forum

Controller for a post (post page, create, and update).

PreferencesControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Forum

Controller for user preferences views.

PreferencesController::profile() — Method in class PreferencesController
RssController::posts() — Method in class RssController
UserController::posts() — Method in class UserController
PoweredByHeaderClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
LicenseManager::public() — Method in class LicenseManager
$ Channel#posts_reaction_set_idProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#postsProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#postsReactionSetProperty in class Channel
Channel::posts() — Method in class Channel

Relationship with the channel's posts.

Channel::postsReactionSet() — Method in class Channel
$ Comment#post_idProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#parent_idProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#postProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#parentProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#post_urlProperty in class Comment
Comment::post() — Method in class Comment
Comment::parent() — Method in class Comment
Comment::postUrl() — Method in class Comment
$ HasBody#parsed_bodyProperty in class HasBody

The intermediary parsed XML document.

$ HasPermissions#permissionsProperty in class HasPermissions
HasPermissions::permissions() — Method in class HasPermissions

Relationship with the permission records pertaining to this model.

$ ReceivesPermissions#permissionsProperty in class ReceivesPermissions
ReceivesPermissions::permissions() — Method in class ReceivesPermissions

Relationship with the permission records granted to this model.

PageClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
PermissionClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
PermissionCollectionClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
PostClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
PostUserClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
$ PostUser#post_idProperty in class PostUser
$ PostUser#postProperty in class PostUser
PostUser::post() — Method in class PostUser
$ Structure#positionProperty in class Structure
Upload::posts() — Method in class Upload
Upload::prunable() — Method in class Upload
$ User#passwordProperty in class User
$ User#postsProperty in class User
User::posts() — Method in class User

Relationship with the user's posts.

User::preferredLocale() — Method in class User

Get the user's preferred locale.

$ Mention#postProperty in class Mention
ChannelPolicy::post() — Method in class ChannelPolicy

Users can post in a channel if they have permission.

PostPolicyClass in namespace Waterhole\Policies
$ WaterholeServiceProvider#providersProperty in class WaterholeServiceProvider
PermittedScopeClass in namespace Waterhole\Scopes

Scope to restrict model visibility according to the permission system.

PostVisibleScopeClass in namespace Waterhole\Scopes
$ Hit#postProperty in class Hit
PayloadClass in namespace Waterhole\Sso
PendingUserClass in namespace Waterhole\Sso
WaterholeSso::parse() — Method in class WaterholeSso
FluentTranslator::parseKey() — Method in class FluentTranslator
LaravelTranslator::parseKey() — Method in class LaravelTranslator
PermissionGridClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components\Cp
$ FeedTopPeriod#periodsProperty in class FeedTopPeriod
$ Html#payloadProperty in class Html
PinnedPostClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostActivityClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostAnswerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostAnsweredClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostAttributionClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostCardClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostChannelClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostFeedClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostFeedChannelClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostFeedPinnedClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ PostFeedPinned#postsProperty in class PostFeedPinned
PostFeedToolbarClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostFullClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostListItemClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostLockedClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostNotificationsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostReactionsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostReactionsCondensedClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostRepliesClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostSidebarClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostTagsSummaryClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostTitleClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostTrashClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
PostUnreadClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
TurboStream::prepend() — Method in class TurboStream

Make a Turbo Stream to prepend a component to a target.

Waterhole::permissions() — Method in class Waterhole
$ LineChart#periodsProperty in class LineChart
$ LineChart#periodStartProperty in class LineChart
$ LineChart#periodEndProperty in class LineChart
$ LineChart#prevPeriodStartProperty in class LineChart
$ LineChart#prevPeriodEndProperty in class LineChart
$ LineChart#periodTotalProperty in class LineChart
$ LineChart#prevPeriodTotalProperty in class LineChart


Action::render() — Method in class Action

Render the action button.

Action::renderContent() — Method in class Action

Render the content of the action button.

Action::run() — Method in class Action

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteChannel::run() — Method in class DeleteChannel

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteComment::run() — Method in class DeleteComment

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteGroup::run() — Method in class DeleteGroup

Run the action on the given models.

DeletePost::run() — Method in class DeletePost

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteReactionSet::run() — Method in class DeleteReactionSet

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteReactionType::run() — Method in class DeleteReactionType

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteSelf::run() — Method in class DeleteSelf

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteStructure::run() — Method in class DeleteStructure

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteTag::run() — Method in class DeleteTag

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteTaxonomy::run() — Method in class DeleteTaxonomy

Run the action on the given models.

DeleteUser::run() — Method in class DeleteUser

Run the action on the given models.

Follow::run() — Method in class Follow

Run the action on the given models.

HideComment::run() — Method in class HideComment

Run the action on the given models.

Ignore::run() — Method in class Ignore

Run the action on the given models.

Link::render() — Method in class Link

Render the action button.

Lock::run() — Method in class Lock

Run the action on the given models.

MarkAsAnswer::run() — Method in class MarkAsAnswer

Run the action on the given models.

MarkAsRead::run() — Method in class MarkAsRead

Run the action on the given models.

MoveToChannel::run() — Method in class MoveToChannel

Run the action on the given models.

Pin::run() — Method in class Pin

Run the action on the given models.

ReactClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
React::run() — Method in class React

Run the action on the given models.

RestorePostClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
RestorePost::run() — Method in class RestorePost

Run the action on the given models.

SuspendUser::run() — Method in class SuspendUser

Run the action on the given models.

TrashPost::run() — Method in class TrashPost

Run the action on the given models.

Unfollow::run() — Method in class Unfollow

Run the action on the given models.

UnhideComment::run() — Method in class UnhideComment

Run the action on the given models.

Unignore::run() — Method in class Unignore

Run the action on the given models.

Unlock::run() — Method in class Unlock

Run the action on the given models.

Unpin::run() — Method in class Unpin

Run the action on the given models.

SsoProvider::redirect() — Method in class SsoProvider
ReformatCommandClass in namespace Waterhole\Console
OrderedList::replace() — Method in class OrderedList

Replace an existing item in the list.

OrderedList::remove() — Method in class OrderedList

Remove an item from the list.

Set::remove() — Method in class Set

Remove a value from the set.

UnorderedList::remove() — Method in class UnorderedList

Remove an item from the list.

Formatter::rendering() — Method in class Formatter

Add a rendering callback to the formatter.

ReactionSetFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
ReactionTypeFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
RegistrationFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
$ ServiceProvider#registeredProperty in class ServiceProvider
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider
FormatExternalLinks::rendering() — Method in class FormatExternalLinks

Formatter rendering callback.

FormatMentions::rendering() — Method in class FormatMentions

Formatter rendering callback.

FormatUploads::rendering() — Method in class FormatUploads

Formatter rendering callback.

$ Formatter#renderingCallbacksProperty in class Formatter
Formatter::render() — Method in class Formatter

Transform a parsed XML document into HTML.

Formatter::rendering() — Method in class Formatter

Add a rendering callback to the formatter.

ChannelAnswers::render() — Method in class ChannelAnswers
ChannelDescription::render() — Method in class ChannelDescription
ChannelFilters::render() — Method in class ChannelFilters
ChannelIgnore::render() — Method in class ChannelIgnore
ChannelInstructions::render() — Method in class ChannelInstructions
ChannelLayout::render() — Method in class ChannelLayout
ChannelLayoutCards::render() — Method in class ChannelLayoutCards
ChannelLayoutList::render() — Method in class ChannelLayoutList
ChannelName::render() — Method in class ChannelName
ChannelReactions::render() — Method in class ChannelReactions
ChannelSimilarPosts::render() — Method in class ChannelSimilarPosts
ChannelSlug::render() — Method in class ChannelSlug
ChannelTaxonomies::render() — Method in class ChannelTaxonomies
GroupAppearance::render() — Method in class GroupAppearance
GroupName::render() — Method in class GroupName
GroupPermissions::render() — Method in class GroupPermissions
Icon::render() — Method in class Icon
PageBody::render() — Method in class PageBody
PageName::render() — Method in class PageName
PageSlug::render() — Method in class PageSlug
Permissions::render() — Method in class Permissions
PostBody::render() — Method in class PostBody
PostTags::render() — Method in class PostTags
PostTitle::render() — Method in class PostTitle
ReactionSetDefaultsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ReactionSetDefaults::render() — Method in class ReactionSetDefaults
ReactionSetNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ReactionSetName::render() — Method in class ReactionSetName
ReactionTypeNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ReactionTypeName::render() — Method in class ReactionTypeName
ReactionTypeScoreClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
ReactionTypeScore::render() — Method in class ReactionTypeScore
StructureLinkName::render() — Method in class StructureLinkName
StructureLinkUrl::render() — Method in class StructureLinkUrl
TagName::render() — Method in class TagName
TaxonomyName::render() — Method in class TaxonomyName
TaxonomyOptions::render() — Method in class TaxonomyOptions
UserAvatar::render() — Method in class UserAvatar
UserBio::render() — Method in class UserBio
UserEmail::render() — Method in class UserEmail
UserGroups::render() — Method in class UserGroups
UserHeadline::render() — Method in class UserHeadline
UserLocation::render() — Method in class UserLocation
UserName::render() — Method in class UserName
UserPassword::render() — Method in class UserPassword
UserShowOnline::render() — Method in class UserShowOnline
UserWebsite::render() — Method in class UserWebsite
FormSection::render() — Method in class FormSection
ReactionSetFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
ReactionTypeFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
RegistrationFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
ActionsController::run() — Method in class ActionsController

Run an action.

RegisterControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Auth
RegisterController::registerWithPayload() — Method in class RegisterController
RegisterController::register() — Method in class RegisterController
ResetPasswordControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Auth
ResetPasswordController::reset() — Method in class ResetPasswordController
VerifyEmailController::resend() — Method in class VerifyEmailController
ReactionSetControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP reaction set management.

ReactionTypeControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP reaction type management.

ReactionTypeController::reorder() — Method in class ReactionTypeController
CommentController::reactions() — Method in class CommentController
NotificationController::read() — Method in class NotificationController
PostController::reactions() — Method in class PostController
RssControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Forum

Controller for RSS feeds.

Authenticate::redirectTo() — Method in class Authenticate

Get the path the user should be redirected to when they are not authenticated.

RedirectIfAuthenticatedClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
LicenseManager::response() — Method in class LicenseManager
$ Comment#reply_countProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#repliesProperty in class Comment
Comment::replies() — Method in class Comment
Comment::refreshReplyMetadata() — Method in class Comment

Refresh the metadata about this comment's replies.

Comment::reactionsUrl() — Method in class Comment
Comment::rules() — Method in class Comment
Comment::reactionSet() — Method in class Comment
ReactableClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods to manage reactions on a model.

Reactable::reactions() — Method in class Reactable

Relationship with the reactions for this model.

Reactable::reactionsSummary() — Method in class Reactable

Relationship with a summary of the reactions for this model.

Reactable::reactionSet() — Method in class Reactable

Get the reaction set that applies to this model.

Reactable::recalculateScore() — Method in class Reactable

Recalculate the score from the reactions.

ReceivesPermissionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods to manage permissions that are granted to a model.

ValidatesData::rules() — Method in class ValidatesData

The model's validation rules.

$ Notification#read_atProperty in class Notification
Notification::resolveRouteBinding() — Method in class Notification

Only allow users to view their own notifications.

$ Permission#recipient_typeProperty in class Permission
$ Permission#recipient_idProperty in class Permission
$ Permission#recipientProperty in class Permission
Permission::recipient() — Method in class Permission

Relationship with the user or group that receives this permission.

Post::refreshCommentMetadata() — Method in class Post

Refresh the metadata about this post's comments.

Post::resolveRouteBinding() — Method in class Post
Post::reactionsUrl() — Method in class Post
Post::reactionSet() — Method in class Post
PostUser::read() — Method in class PostUser

Mark this post as having been read by the user.

ReactionClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
$ Reaction#reactionTypeProperty in class Reaction
Reaction::reactionType() — Method in class Reaction
ReactionSetClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
ReactionSet::reactionTypes() — Method in class ReactionSet
ReactionTypeClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
ReactionType::reactionSet() — Method in class ReactionType
ReactionsSummaryClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
ReactionsSummaryRelationClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Relations
StructureHeading::rules() — Method in class StructureHeading
$ User#remember_tokenProperty in class User
User::reactions() — Method in class User

Relationship with the user's reactions.

User::removeAvatar() — Method in class User

Remove the user's avatar.

User::routeNotificationForMail() — Method in class User

Only send notification emails to a verified address.

Mention::reason() — Method in class Mention

The reason that the user is receiving the notification.

NewComment::reason() — Method in class NewComment

The reason that the user is receiving the notification.

NewPost::reason() — Method in class NewPost

The reason that the user is receiving the notification.

Notification::reason() — Method in class Notification

The reason that the user is receiving the notification.

ResetPasswordClass in namespace Waterhole\Notifications
ResetPassword::resetUrl() — Method in class ResetPassword
CommentPolicy::react() — Method in class CommentPolicy

Any user can react to a comment.

PostPolicy::react() — Method in class PostPolicy

Any user can react to a post.

AppServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AppServiceProvider
AuthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
FormatterServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FormatterServiceProvider
MailServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
RouteServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
SearchServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SearchServiceProvider
TranslationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider
ResultsClass in namespace Waterhole\Search
ActionButton::render() — Method in class ActionButton
ActionButtons::render() — Method in class ActionButtons
ActionForm::render() — Method in class ActionForm
ActionMenu::render() — Method in class ActionMenu
Alert::render() — Method in class Alert
Attribution::render() — Method in class Attribution
AuthButtons::render() — Method in class AuthButtons
Avatar::render() — Method in class Avatar
Cancel::render() — Method in class Cancel
ChannelLabel::render() — Method in class ChannelLabel
ChannelPicker::render() — Method in class ChannelPicker
CollapsibleNav::render() — Method in class CollapsibleNav
CommentAnswerBadge::render() — Method in class CommentAnswerBadge
CommentFrame::render() — Method in class CommentFrame
CommentFull::render() — Method in class CommentFull
CommentMarkAsAnswer::render() — Method in class CommentMarkAsAnswer
CommentReactions::render() — Method in class CommentReactions
CommentReplies::render() — Method in class CommentReplies
CommentReplyButton::render() — Method in class CommentReplyButton
CommentsLocked::render() — Method in class CommentsLocked
Composer::render() — Method in class Composer
Cp::render() — Method in class Cp
ColorPicker::render() — Method in class ColorPicker
IconPicker::render() — Method in class IconPicker
PermissionGrid::render() — Method in class PermissionGrid
StructureNode::render() — Method in class StructureNode
TagRow::render() — Method in class TagRow
Version::render() — Method in class Version
Dialog::render() — Method in class Dialog
EmailVerification::render() — Method in class EmailVerification
FeedFilters::render() — Method in class FeedFilters
FeedTopPeriod::render() — Method in class FeedTopPeriod
Field::render() — Method in class Field
FollowButton::render() — Method in class FollowButton
GroupBadge::render() — Method in class GroupBadge
Header::render() — Method in class Header
HeaderBreadcrumb::render() — Method in class HeaderBreadcrumb
HeaderGuest::render() — Method in class HeaderGuest
HeaderNotifications::render() — Method in class HeaderNotifications
HeaderSearch::render() — Method in class HeaderSearch
HeaderTitle::render() — Method in class HeaderTitle
HeaderUser::render() — Method in class HeaderUser
Html::render() — Method in class Html
Index::render() — Method in class Index
$ IndexCreatePost#responseProperty in class IndexCreatePost
IndexCreatePost::render() — Method in class IndexCreatePost
IndexFooter::render() — Method in class IndexFooter
IndexFooterLanguage::render() — Method in class IndexFooterLanguage
IndexNav::render() — Method in class IndexNav
InfiniteScroll::render() — Method in class InfiniteScroll
Layout::render() — Method in class Layout
MenuDivider::render() — Method in class MenuDivider
MenuItem::render() — Method in class MenuItem
NavHeading::render() — Method in class NavHeading
NavLink::render() — Method in class NavLink
Notification::render() — Method in class Notification
NotificationAlert::render() — Method in class NotificationAlert
NotificationsBadge::render() — Method in class NotificationsBadge
PinnedPost::render() — Method in class PinnedPost
PostActivity::render() — Method in class PostActivity
PostAnswer::render() — Method in class PostAnswer
PostAnswered::render() — Method in class PostAnswered
PostAttribution::render() — Method in class PostAttribution
PostCard::render() — Method in class PostCard
PostChannel::render() — Method in class PostChannel
PostFeed::render() — Method in class PostFeed
PostFeedChannel::render() — Method in class PostFeedChannel
PostFeedPinned::render() — Method in class PostFeedPinned
PostFeedToolbar::render() — Method in class PostFeedToolbar
PostFull::render() — Method in class PostFull
PostListItem::render() — Method in class PostListItem
PostLocked::render() — Method in class PostLocked
PostNotifications::render() — Method in class PostNotifications
PostReactions::render() — Method in class PostReactions
PostReactionsCondensed::render() — Method in class PostReactionsCondensed
PostReplies::render() — Method in class PostReplies
$ PostSidebar#responseProperty in class PostSidebar
PostSidebar::render() — Method in class PostSidebar
PostTagsSummary::render() — Method in class PostTagsSummary
PostTitle::render() — Method in class PostTitle
PostTrash::render() — Method in class PostTrash
PostUnread::render() — Method in class PostUnread
ReactionSetPickerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ ReactionSetPicker#reactionSetsProperty in class ReactionSetPicker
ReactionSetPicker::render() — Method in class ReactionSetPicker
ReactionsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ Reactions#reactionSetProperty in class Reactions
$ Reactions#reactionTypesProperty in class Reactions
Reactions::render() — Method in class Reactions
ReactionsCondensedClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
ReactionsCondensed::render() — Method in class ReactionsCondensed
RelativeTimeClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
RelativeTime::render() — Method in class RelativeTime
Selector::render() — Method in class Selector
Spacer::render() — Method in class Spacer
Spinner::render() — Method in class Spinner
TagsFilter::render() — Method in class TagsFilter
TextEditor::render() — Method in class TextEditor
TextEditorButton::render() — Method in class TextEditorButton
TextEditorEmojiButton::render() — Method in class TextEditorEmojiButton
ThemeSelector::render() — Method in class ThemeSelector
UserGroups::render() — Method in class UserGroups
UserJoined::render() — Method in class UserJoined
UserLabel::render() — Method in class UserLabel
UserLastSeen::render() — Method in class UserLastSeen
UserLink::render() — Method in class UserLink
UserLocation::render() — Method in class UserLocation
UserProfile::render() — Method in class UserProfile
UserWebsite::render() — Method in class UserWebsite
ValidationErrors::render() — Method in class ValidationErrors
TurboStream::replace() — Method in class TurboStream

Make a Turbo Stream to replace a streamable component.

TurboStream::remove() — Method in class TurboStream

Make a Turbo Stream to remove a streamable component.

Feed::render() — Method in class Feed
GettingStarted::render() — Method in class GettingStarted
$ LineChart#resultsProperty in class LineChart
LineChart::render() — Method in class LineChart


Action::shouldRender() — Method in class Action

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

Action::stream() — Method in class Action

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

CopyLink::shouldRender() — Method in class CopyLink

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

DeleteChannel::shouldRender() — Method in class DeleteChannel

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

DeleteSelf::shouldRender() — Method in class DeleteSelf

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

Follow::shouldRender() — Method in class Follow

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

Follow::stream() — Method in class Follow

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

Ignore::shouldRender() — Method in class Ignore

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

Ignore::stream() — Method in class Ignore

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

Lock::stream() — Method in class Lock

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

MarkAsAnswer::shouldRender() — Method in class MarkAsAnswer

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

MarkAsAnswer::stream() — Method in class MarkAsAnswer

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

Pin::stream() — Method in class Pin

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

React::shouldRender() — Method in class React

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

React::stream() — Method in class React

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

SuspendUserClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
Unfollow::shouldRender() — Method in class Unfollow

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

Unfollow::stream() — Method in class Unfollow

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

Unignore::shouldRender() — Method in class Unignore

Whether the action should be listed in a menu for the given models.

Unignore::stream() — Method in class Unignore

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

Unlock::stream() — Method in class Unlock

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

Unpin::stream() — Method in class Unpin

Stream partial updates to the page via Turbo Streams.

Providers::sole() — Method in class Providers
SsoPayloadClass in namespace Waterhole\Auth
SsoProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Auth
SsoUserClass in namespace Waterhole\Auth
$ CacheClearCommand#signatureProperty in class CacheClearCommand
$ InstallCommand#signatureProperty in class InstallCommand
$ MakeExtensionCommand#signatureProperty in class MakeExtensionCommand
$ ReformatCommand#signatureProperty in class ReformatCommand
SetClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend\Concerns
ScriptClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

Manage JavaScript asset bundles.

ServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
StructureLinkFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
StructureLinkFormDetailsClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
StylesheetClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

Manage stylesheet asset bundles.

ContainsFields::saving() — Method in class ContainsFields
ContainsFields::saved() — Method in class ContainsFields
Field::saving() — Method in class Field
Field::saved() — Method in class Field
ChannelAnswers::saving() — Method in class ChannelAnswers
ChannelDescription::saving() — Method in class ChannelDescription
ChannelFilters::saving() — Method in class ChannelFilters
ChannelIgnore::saving() — Method in class ChannelIgnore
ChannelInstructions::saving() — Method in class ChannelInstructions
ChannelLayout::saving() — Method in class ChannelLayout
ChannelLayoutCards::saving() — Method in class ChannelLayoutCards
ChannelLayoutList::saving() — Method in class ChannelLayoutList
ChannelName::saving() — Method in class ChannelName
ChannelReactions::saving() — Method in class ChannelReactions
ChannelSimilarPosts::saving() — Method in class ChannelSimilarPosts
ChannelSlug::saving() — Method in class ChannelSlug
ChannelTaxonomies::shouldRender() — Method in class ChannelTaxonomies
ChannelTaxonomies::saved() — Method in class ChannelTaxonomies
GroupAppearance::saving() — Method in class GroupAppearance
GroupAppearance::saved() — Method in class GroupAppearance
GroupName::saving() — Method in class GroupName
$ GroupPermissions#structureProperty in class GroupPermissions
GroupPermissions::saved() — Method in class GroupPermissions
Icon::saved() — Method in class Icon
PageBody::saving() — Method in class PageBody
PageName::saving() — Method in class PageName
PageSlug::saving() — Method in class PageSlug
Permissions::saved() — Method in class Permissions
PostBody::saving() — Method in class PostBody
PostTags::shouldRender() — Method in class PostTags
PostTags::saved() — Method in class PostTags
$ PostTitle#similarPostsProperty in class PostTitle
PostTitle::saving() — Method in class PostTitle
ReactionSetDefaults::saving() — Method in class ReactionSetDefaults
ReactionSetDefaults::saved() — Method in class ReactionSetDefaults
ReactionSetName::saving() — Method in class ReactionSetName
ReactionTypeName::saving() — Method in class ReactionTypeName
ReactionTypeScore::saving() — Method in class ReactionTypeScore
StructureLinkNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
StructureLinkName::saving() — Method in class StructureLinkName
StructureLinkUrlClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
StructureLinkUrl::saving() — Method in class StructureLinkUrl
TagName::saving() — Method in class TagName
TaxonomyName::saving() — Method in class TaxonomyName
TaxonomyOptions::saving() — Method in class TaxonomyOptions
UserAvatar::saved() — Method in class UserAvatar
UserBio::saving() — Method in class UserBio
UserEmail::saving() — Method in class UserEmail
UserGroups::saved() — Method in class UserGroups
UserHeadline::saving() — Method in class UserHeadline
UserLocation::saving() — Method in class UserLocation
UserName::saving() — Method in class UserName
UserPassword::shouldRender() — Method in class UserPassword
UserPassword::saving() — Method in class UserPassword
UserShowOnline::saving() — Method in class UserShowOnline
UserWebsite::saving() — Method in class UserWebsite
Form::submit() — Method in class Form

Validate the request and save the model.

Form::save() — Method in class Form

Save the model.

FormSection::saving() — Method in class FormSection
FormSection::saved() — Method in class FormSection
StructureLinkFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
ConfirmPasswordController::showConfirmForm() — Method in class ConfirmPasswordController
ForgotPasswordController::showLinkRequestForm() — Method in class ForgotPasswordController
ForgotPasswordController::sendResetLinkEmail() — Method in class ForgotPasswordController
LoginController::showLoginForm() — Method in class LoginController
RegisterController::showRegistrationForm() — Method in class RegisterController
ResetPasswordController::showResetForm() — Method in class ResetPasswordController
SsoControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Auth
ChannelController::store() — Method in class ChannelController
GroupController::store() — Method in class GroupController
PageController::store() — Method in class PageController
ReactionSetController::store() — Method in class ReactionSetController
ReactionTypeController::store() — Method in class ReactionTypeController
StructureControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for the CP structure index.

StructureController::saveOrder() — Method in class StructureController
StructureHeadingControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP structure heading management (create and update).

StructureHeadingController::store() — Method in class StructureHeadingController
StructureLinkControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP structure link management (create and update).

StructureLinkController::store() — Method in class StructureLinkController
TagController::store() — Method in class TagController
TaxonomyController::store() — Method in class TaxonomyController
UserController::store() — Method in class UserController
CommentController::show() — Method in class CommentController
CommentController::store() — Method in class CommentController
NotificationController::show() — Method in class NotificationController
PostController::show() — Method in class PostController
PostController::store() — Method in class PostController
PreferencesController::saveProfile() — Method in class PreferencesController
PreferencesController::saveNotifications() — Method in class PreferencesController
SearchControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Forum

Controller for the search interface.

UserController::show() — Method in class UserController
StartSessionClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
StartSession::storeCurrentUrl() — Method in class StartSession
CardsLayout::scope() — Method in class CardsLayout

Apply a scope to the post feed query when this layout is active.

Layout::scope() — Method in class Layout

Apply a scope to the post feed query when this layout is active.

LicenseManager::status() — Method in class LicenseManager
$ Channel#slugProperty in class Channel
Channel::scopeWithNewPostsCount() — Method in class Channel

Scope to select count of posts that are new since a channel was followed.

Channel::scopeIgnoring() — Method in class Channel
Channel::streamUpdated() — Method in class Channel

Get the Turbo Streams that should be sent when this post is updated.

ChannelUser::setKeysForSaveQuery() — Method in class ChannelUser
$ Comment#scoreProperty in class Comment
Comment::streamUpdated() — Method in class Comment

Get the Turbo Streams that should be sent when this comment is updated.

Comment::streamRemoved() — Method in class Comment

Get the Turbo Streams that should be sent when this comment is removed.

Followable::scopeFollowing() — Method in class Followable

Find only models that the current user is following.

Followable::scopeIgnoring() — Method in class Followable

Find only models that the current user is ignoring.

Followable::setNotifications() — Method in class Followable

Save the current user's notification preference for this model.

HasIcon::saveIcon() — Method in class HasIcon

Save the icon using input from an component.

HasPermissions::savePermissions() — Method in class HasPermissions

Save the permissions to the database.

ReceivesPermissions::savePermissions() — Method in class ReceivesPermissions

Save the permissions to the database.

StructurableClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods for models that can be a part of the forum "structure", like channels, pages, links, and headings.

$ Structurable#structureProperty in class Structurable
Structurable::structure() — Method in class Structurable

Relationship with the node for this model within the forum structure.

UsesFormatter::setFormatter() — Method in class UsesFormatter

Set a formatter instance for this model.

UsesFormatter::setAttribute() — Method in class UsesFormatter
Group::scopeCustom() — Method in class Group

Get only custom (user-defined) groups.

Group::scopeSelectable() — Method in class Group

Get only groups that can be selected for users (admin + custom groups).

$ Notification#sender_idProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#senderProperty in class Notification
Notification::sender() — Method in class Notification

Relationship with the user whose action caused the notification to be sent.

Notification::scopeGroupedWith() — Method in class Notification

Query notifications that have the same type and group as a notification.

$ Page#slugProperty in class Page
$ Permission#scope_typeProperty in class Permission
$ Permission#scope_idProperty in class Permission
$ Permission#scopeProperty in class Permission
Permission::scope() — Method in class Permission

Relationship with the model that this permission is for.

PermissionCollection::scope() — Method in class PermissionCollection

Get the permission records pertaining to a specific model.

$ Post#slugProperty in class Post
$ Post#scoreProperty in class Post
Post::scopeUnread() — Method in class Post

Query posts that are unread for the current user.

Post::scopeWithUnreadCommentsCount() — Method in class Post

Scope to select count of comments that are unread.

Post::streamUpdated() — Method in class Post

Get the Turbo Streams that should be sent when this post is updated.

Post::streamRemoved() — Method in class Post

Get the Turbo Streams that should be sent when this post is removed.

PostUser::setKeysForSaveQuery() — Method in class PostUser
StructureClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
StructureHeadingClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
StructureLinkClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
Tag::streamRemoved() — Method in class Tag

Get the Turbo Streams that should be sent when this tag is removed.

$ User#suspended_untilProperty in class User
$ User#show_onlineProperty in class User
User::sendEmailVerificationNotification() — Method in class User

Send an email verification notification to the user.

User::sendPasswordResetNotification() — Method in class User

Send a password reset notification to the user.

User::setOriginalUser() — Method in class User
DatabaseChannel::send() — Method in class DatabaseChannel
Mention::shouldSend() — Method in class Mention

Determine whether the notification should be sent to this user.

Mention::sender() — Method in class Mention

The user whose action caused the notification to be sent.

NewComment::sender() — Method in class NewComment

The user whose action caused the notification to be sent.

NewPost::sender() — Method in class NewPost

The user whose action caused the notification to be sent.

Notification::shouldSend() — Method in class Notification

Determine whether the notification should be sent to this user.

Notification::sender() — Method in class Notification

The user whose action caused the notification to be sent.

SearchServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
EngineInterface::search() — Method in class EngineInterface
MySqlEngine::search() — Method in class MySqlEngine
SearcherClass in namespace Waterhole\Search
Searcher::search() — Method in class Searcher
FluentTranslator::setSelector() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::setLocale() — Method in class FluentTranslator
FluentTranslator::setFallback() — Method in class FluentTranslator
ActionButton::shouldRender() — Method in class ActionButton
ActionButtons::shouldRender() — Method in class ActionButtons
ActionMenu::shouldRender() — Method in class ActionMenu
AuthButtons::shouldRender() — Method in class AuthButtons
$ ChannelPicker#selectedChannelProperty in class ChannelPicker
CommentAnswerBadge::shouldRender() — Method in class CommentAnswerBadge
CommentMarkAsAnswer::shouldRender() — Method in class CommentMarkAsAnswer
CommentReplyButton::shouldRender() — Method in class CommentReplyButton
StreamableClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components\Concerns
Streamable::streamableClassName() — Method in class Streamable
StructureNodeClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components\Cp
EmailVerification::shouldRender() — Method in class EmailVerification
FeedTopPeriod::shouldRender() — Method in class FeedTopPeriod
FollowButton::shouldRender() — Method in class FollowButton
HeaderGuest::shouldRender() — Method in class HeaderGuest
HeaderNotifications::shouldRender() — Method in class HeaderNotifications
HeaderSearch::shouldRender() — Method in class HeaderSearch
IndexFooterLanguage::shouldRender() — Method in class IndexFooterLanguage
Notification::shouldRender() — Method in class Notification
PostAnswer::shouldRender() — Method in class PostAnswer
PostAnswered::shouldRender() — Method in class PostAnswered
$ PostFeed#showLastVisitProperty in class PostFeed
PostFeedChannel::shouldRender() — Method in class PostFeedChannel
PostFeedPinned::shouldRender() — Method in class PostFeedPinned
PostLocked::shouldRender() — Method in class PostLocked
PostNotifications::shouldRender() — Method in class PostNotifications
PostTagsSummary::shouldRender() — Method in class PostTagsSummary
PostTrash::shouldRender() — Method in class PostTrash
PostUnread::shouldRender() — Method in class PostUnread
Reactions::shouldRender() — Method in class Reactions
ReactionsCondensed::shouldRender() — Method in class ReactionsCondensed
RelativeTime::shouldRender() — Method in class RelativeTime
SelectorClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
SpacerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
SpinnerClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
TagsFilter::shouldRender() — Method in class TagsFilter
ThemeSelector::shouldRender() — Method in class ThemeSelector
UserGroups::shouldRender() — Method in class UserGroups
UserJoined::shouldRender() — Method in class UserJoined
UserLastSeen::shouldRender() — Method in class UserLastSeen
UserLocation::shouldRender() — Method in class UserLocation
UserWebsite::shouldRender() — Method in class UserWebsite
$ LineChart#selectedPeriodProperty in class LineChart
$ LineChart#selectedUnitProperty in class LineChart


TrashPostClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
AuthenticatesWaterhole::toWaterholePayload() — Method in class AuthenticatesWaterhole

Create a Waterhole SSO payload representing this user.

HasWaterholeUser::toWaterholeUser() — Method in class HasWaterholeUser
HasWaterholeUser::toWaterholePayload() — Method in class HasWaterholeUser
TagFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
TaxonomyFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
TextEditorClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
TopClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that sorts results by their reaction score, with an optional scoping by time period.

TrashClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that .

TrendingClass in namespace Waterhole\Filters

A filter that .

$ ChannelTaxonomies#taxonomiesProperty in class ChannelTaxonomies
$ PostTags#taxonomiesProperty in class PostTags
TagNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
TaxonomyNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
TaxonomyOptionsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
TagFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
TaxonomyFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
TagControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp
TaxonomyControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp
ActorSeen::terminate() — Method in class ActorSeen
LicenseManager::test() — Method in class LicenseManager
$ Channel#timestampsProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#translationsProperty in class Channel
Channel::taxonomies() — Method in class Channel
$ ChannelUser#timestampsProperty in class ChannelUser
$ ChannelUser#tableProperty in class ChannelUser
$ Group#timestampsProperty in class Group
$ Notification#typeProperty in class Notification
$ Notification#templateProperty in class Notification
Notification::template() — Method in class Notification
$ Page#timestampsProperty in class Page
$ Permission#timestampsProperty in class Permission
$ Post#titleProperty in class Post
$ Post#tagsProperty in class Post
Post::tags() — Method in class Post

Relationship with the post's tags.

$ PostUser#timestampsProperty in class PostUser
$ PostUser#tableProperty in class PostUser
ReactionsSummary::totalCount() — Method in class ReactionsSummary
$ Structure#tableProperty in class Structure
$ Structure#timestampsProperty in class Structure
$ StructureHeading#timestampsProperty in class StructureHeading
$ StructureLink#timestampsProperty in class StructureLink
TagClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
Tag::taxonomy() — Method in class Tag
TaxonomyClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
Taxonomy::tags() — Method in class Taxonomy
Mention::title() — Method in class Mention

The title of the notification.

NewComment::title() — Method in class NewComment

The title of the notification.

NewPost::title() — Method in class NewPost

The title of the notification.

Notification::toArray() — Method in class Notification

Get the array representation of the notification.

Notification::toMail() — Method in class Notification

Get the mail representation of the notification.

Notification::title() — Method in class Notification

The title of the notification.

ResetPassword::toMail() — Method in class ResetPassword
VerifyEmail::toMail() — Method in class VerifyEmail
TranslationServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
Highlighter::truncate() — Method in class Highlighter

Truncate text surrounding the first match.

$ IconPicker#typeProperty in class IconPicker
TagRowClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components\Cp
$ PostListItem#titleProperty in class PostListItem
$ PostTagsSummary#tagsProperty in class PostTagsSummary
TagsFilterClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
TextEditorClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
TextEditorButtonClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
TextEditorEmojiButtonClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
ThemeSelectorClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
TurboStreamClass in namespace Waterhole\View

Helper class for making elements.

$ LineChart#titleProperty in class LineChart


CopyImpersonationUrl::url() — Method in class CopyImpersonationUrl

The URL to link to.

CopyLink::url() — Method in class CopyLink

The URL to link to.

EditChannel::url() — Method in class EditChannel

The URL to link to.

EditComment::url() — Method in class EditComment

The URL to link to.

EditGroup::url() — Method in class EditGroup

The URL to link to.

EditPost::url() — Method in class EditPost

The URL to link to.

EditReactionSet::url() — Method in class EditReactionSet

The URL to link to.

EditReactionType::url() — Method in class EditReactionType

The URL to link to.

EditStructure::url() — Method in class EditStructure

The URL to link to.

EditTag::url() — Method in class EditTag

The URL to link to.

EditTaxonomy::url() — Method in class EditTaxonomy

The URL to link to.

EditUser::url() — Method in class EditUser

The URL to link to.

Link::url() — Method in class Link

The URL to link to.

UnfollowClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
UnhideCommentClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
UnignoreClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
UnlockClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
UnpinClass in namespace Waterhole\Actions
SsoProvider::user() — Method in class SsoProvider
AssetList::urls() — Method in class AssetList

Compile the given bundles and return their URLs.

UnorderedListClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend\Concerns
UserFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
UserFormAccountClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
UserFormProfileClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
UserInfoClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the user profile.

UserMenuClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the user menu.

UserNavClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend

A list of components to render in the user profile navigation menu.

Formatter::unparse() — Method in class Formatter

Revert a parsed XML document back into plain text.

UserAvatarClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserBioClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserEmailClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserGroupsClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserHeadlineClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserLocationClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserNameClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserPasswordClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserShowOnlineClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserWebsiteClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms\Fields
UserFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
UserProfileFormClass in namespace Waterhole\Forms
ChannelController::update() — Method in class ChannelController
GroupController::update() — Method in class GroupController
PageController::update() — Method in class PageController
ReactionSetController::update() — Method in class ReactionSetController
ReactionTypeController::update() — Method in class ReactionTypeController
StructureHeadingController::update() — Method in class StructureHeadingController
StructureLinkController::update() — Method in class StructureLinkController
TagController::update() — Method in class TagController
TaxonomyController::update() — Method in class TaxonomyController
UserControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Cp

Controller for CP user management.

UserController::update() — Method in class UserController
CommentController::update() — Method in class CommentController
NotificationController::unsubscribe() — Method in class NotificationController
PostController::update() — Method in class PostController
UserControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Forum

Controller for user profiles.

UploadControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers
UserLookupControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers

Controller to look up users by name.

AuthProvider::user() — Method in class AuthProvider
$ Channel#unreadPostsProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#userStateProperty in class Channel
$ Channel#urlProperty in class Channel
Channel::unreadPosts() — Method in class Channel

Relationship with posts that are followed and contain unread content.

Channel::url() — Method in class Channel
$ ChannelUser#user_idProperty in class ChannelUser
$ ChannelUser#userProperty in class ChannelUser
ChannelUser::user() — Method in class ChannelUser
$ Comment#user_idProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#userProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#urlProperty in class Comment
Comment::user() — Method in class Comment
Comment::url() — Method in class Comment
Followable::unfollow() — Method in class Followable

Unfollow this model for the current user.

Followable::unignore() — Method in class Followable

Unignore this model for the current user.

HasUserState::userState() — Method in class HasUserState

Relationship with the state record for a user.

UsesFormatterClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns
$ Group#usersProperty in class Group
Group::users() — Method in class Group

Relationship with the group's users.

Group::usersUrl() — Method in class Group
$ Model#unguardedProperty in class Model
$ Notification#updated_atProperty in class Notification
Notification::url() — Method in class Notification
$ Page#urlProperty in class Page
Page::url() — Method in class Page
$ Post#user_idProperty in class Post
$ Post#userProperty in class Post
$ Post#unreadCommentsProperty in class Post
$ Post#userStateProperty in class Post
$ Post#urlProperty in class Post
$ Post#unread_urlProperty in class Post
$ Post#unread_comments_countProperty in class Post
Post::usersWereMentioned() — Method in class Post

Update the user state for any users mentioned in this post.

Post::user() — Method in class Post

Relationship with the post's author.

Post::urlAtIndex() — Method in class Post

Generate a URL for a particular comment index in this post.

Post::url() — Method in class Post
Post::unreadUrl() — Method in class Post
$ PostUser#user_idProperty in class PostUser
$ PostUser#userProperty in class PostUser
PostUser::user() — Method in class PostUser
$ Reaction#userProperty in class Reaction
Reaction::user() — Method in class Reaction
ReactionsSummary::userReacted() — Method in class ReactionsSummary
UploadClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
UserClass in namespace Waterhole\Models
$ User#urlProperty in class User
$ User#unread_notification_countProperty in class User
User::uploads() — Method in class User

Relationship with the user's file uploads.

User::uploadAvatar() — Method in class User

Upload a new avatar.

User::url() — Method in class User
User::unreadNotificationCount() — Method in class User
Mention::url() — Method in class Mention

The URL that the user should be taken to when they click the notification.

Mention::unsubscribeText() — Method in class Mention

The label of the unsubscribe link for this notification type.

NewComment::url() — Method in class NewComment

The URL that the user should be taken to when they click the notification.

NewComment::unsubscribeText() — Method in class NewComment

The label of the unsubscribe link for this notification type.

NewComment::unsubscribe() — Method in class NewComment

Unsubscribe the user from this notification type.

NewPost::url() — Method in class NewPost

The URL that the user should be taken to when they click the notification.

NewPost::unsubscribeText() — Method in class NewPost

The label of the unsubscribe link for this notification type.

NewPost::unsubscribe() — Method in class NewPost

Unsubscribe the user from this notification type.

Notification::url() — Method in class Notification

The URL that the user should be taken to when they click the notification.

Notification::unsubscribeText() — Method in class Notification

The label of the unsubscribe link for this notification type.

Notification::unsubscribeUrl() — Method in class Notification

The URL to unsubscribe the user from this notification type.

Notification::unsubscribe() — Method in class Notification

Unsubscribe the user from this notification type.

$ ActionMenu#urlProperty in class ActionMenu
FeedFilters::url() — Method in class FeedFilters
UserGroupsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
UserJoinedClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
UserLabelClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
UserLastSeenClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
UserLinkClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
UserLocationClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
UserProfileClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
UserWebsiteClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components
$ LineChart#unitsProperty in class LineChart


ValidatesInputClass in namespace Waterhole\Console\Concerns
Set::values() — Method in class Set

Get the values as an array.

ValidationClass in namespace Waterhole\Extend
ContainsFields::validating() — Method in class ContainsFields
Field::validating() — Method in class Field
ChannelAnswers::validating() — Method in class ChannelAnswers
ChannelDescription::validating() — Method in class ChannelDescription
ChannelFilters::validating() — Method in class ChannelFilters
ChannelIgnore::validating() — Method in class ChannelIgnore
ChannelInstructions::validating() — Method in class ChannelInstructions
ChannelLayout::validating() — Method in class ChannelLayout
ChannelLayoutCards::validating() — Method in class ChannelLayoutCards
ChannelLayoutList::validating() — Method in class ChannelLayoutList
ChannelName::validating() — Method in class ChannelName
ChannelReactions::validating() — Method in class ChannelReactions
ChannelSimilarPosts::validating() — Method in class ChannelSimilarPosts
ChannelSlug::validating() — Method in class ChannelSlug
ChannelTaxonomies::validating() — Method in class ChannelTaxonomies
GroupAppearance::validating() — Method in class GroupAppearance
GroupName::validating() — Method in class GroupName
GroupPermissions::validating() — Method in class GroupPermissions
Icon::validating() — Method in class Icon
PageBody::validating() — Method in class PageBody
PageName::validating() — Method in class PageName
PageSlug::validating() — Method in class PageSlug
Permissions::validating() — Method in class Permissions
PostBody::validating() — Method in class PostBody
PostTags::validating() — Method in class PostTags
PostTitle::validating() — Method in class PostTitle
ReactionSetDefaults::validating() — Method in class ReactionSetDefaults
ReactionSetName::validating() — Method in class ReactionSetName
ReactionTypeName::validating() — Method in class ReactionTypeName
ReactionTypeScore::validating() — Method in class ReactionTypeScore
StructureLinkName::validating() — Method in class StructureLinkName
StructureLinkUrl::validating() — Method in class StructureLinkUrl
TagName::validating() — Method in class TagName
TaxonomyName::validating() — Method in class TaxonomyName
TaxonomyOptions::validating() — Method in class TaxonomyOptions
UserAvatar::validating() — Method in class UserAvatar
UserBio::validating() — Method in class UserBio
UserEmail::validating() — Method in class UserEmail
UserGroups::validating() — Method in class UserGroups
UserHeadline::validating() — Method in class UserHeadline
UserLocation::validating() — Method in class UserLocation
UserName::validating() — Method in class UserName
UserPassword::validating() — Method in class UserPassword
UserShowOnline::validating() — Method in class UserShowOnline
UserWebsite::validating() — Method in class UserWebsite
Form::validate() — Method in class Form

Validate the request.

FormSection::validating() — Method in class FormSection
VerifyEmailControllerClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Controllers\Auth
VerifyEmailController::verify() — Method in class VerifyEmailController
VerifyCsrfTokenClass in namespace Waterhole\Http\Middleware
LicenseManager::valid() — Method in class LicenseManager
ValidatesDataClass in namespace Waterhole\Models\Concerns

Methods for models that have validation rules.

ValidatesData::validate() — Method in class ValidatesData

Validate an array of data against the model's validation rules.

Notification::via() — Method in class Notification

Get the notification's delivery channels.

ResetPassword::via() — Method in class ResetPassword
VerifyEmailClass in namespace Waterhole\Notifications
VerifyEmail::via() — Method in class VerifyEmail
VerifyEmail::verificationUrl() — Method in class VerifyEmail
ViewServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
WaterholeSso::validate() — Method in class WaterholeSso
IconPicker::validationRules() — Method in class IconPicker
VersionClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components\Cp
$ TagsFilter#valueProperty in class TagsFilter
ValidationErrorsClass in namespace Waterhole\View\Components


HasWaterholeUser::waterholeUser() — Method in class HasWaterholeUser
DashboardController::widget() — Method in class DashboardController

Render a widget by its position in the widget configuration.

CardsLayout::wrapperClass() — Method in class CardsLayout

Class to apply to the wrapper element.

Layout::wrapperClass() — Method in class Layout

Class to apply to the wrapper element.

ListLayout::wrapperClass() — Method in class ListLayout

Class to apply to the wrapper element.

$ Tag#withProperty in class Tag
$ User#websiteProperty in class User
WaterholeServiceProviderClass in namespace Waterhole\Providers
WaterholeSsoClass in namespace Waterhole\Sso
Streamable::withAttributes() — Method in class Streamable

Automatically set the class attribute on the attribute bag.

WaterholeClass in namespace Waterhole


Providers::__construct() — Method in class Providers
SsoPayload::__construct() — Method in class SsoPayload
SsoPayload::__toString() — Method in class SsoPayload
SsoProvider::__construct() — Method in class SsoProvider
SsoUser::__construct() — Method in class SsoUser
MakeExtensionCommand::__construct() — Method in class MakeExtensionCommand
NewComment::__construct() — Method in class NewComment
NewPost::__construct() — Method in class NewPost
NotificationReceived::__construct() — Method in class NotificationReceived
CommentFeed::__construct() — Method in class CommentFeed
Feed::__construct() — Method in class Feed
PostFeed::__construct() — Method in class PostFeed
Context::__construct() — Method in class Context
Formatter::__construct() — Method in class Formatter
ChannelForm::__construct() — Method in class ChannelForm
ChannelAnswers::__construct() — Method in class ChannelAnswers
ChannelDescription::__construct() — Method in class ChannelDescription
ChannelFilters::__construct() — Method in class ChannelFilters
ChannelIgnore::__construct() — Method in class ChannelIgnore
ChannelInstructions::__construct() — Method in class ChannelInstructions
ChannelLayout::__construct() — Method in class ChannelLayout
ChannelLayoutCards::__construct() — Method in class ChannelLayoutCards
ChannelLayoutList::__construct() — Method in class ChannelLayoutList
ChannelName::__construct() — Method in class ChannelName
ChannelReactions::__construct() — Method in class ChannelReactions
ChannelSimilarPosts::__construct() — Method in class ChannelSimilarPosts
ChannelSlug::__construct() — Method in class ChannelSlug
ChannelTaxonomies::__construct() — Method in class ChannelTaxonomies
GroupAppearance::__construct() — Method in class GroupAppearance
GroupName::__construct() — Method in class GroupName
GroupPermissions::__construct() — Method in class GroupPermissions
Icon::__construct() — Method in class Icon
PageBody::__construct() — Method in class PageBody
PageName::__construct() — Method in class PageName
PageSlug::__construct() — Method in class PageSlug
Permissions::__construct() — Method in class Permissions
PostBody::__construct() — Method in class PostBody
PostTags::__construct() — Method in class PostTags
PostTitle::__construct() — Method in class PostTitle
ReactionSetDefaults::__construct() — Method in class ReactionSetDefaults
ReactionSetName::__construct() — Method in class ReactionSetName
ReactionTypeName::__construct() — Method in class ReactionTypeName
ReactionTypeScore::__construct() — Method in class ReactionTypeScore
StructureLinkName::__construct() — Method in class StructureLinkName
StructureLinkUrl::__construct() — Method in class StructureLinkUrl
TagName::__construct() — Method in class TagName
TaxonomyName::__construct() — Method in class TaxonomyName
TaxonomyOptions::__construct() — Method in class TaxonomyOptions
UserAvatar::__construct() — Method in class UserAvatar
UserBio::__construct() — Method in class UserBio
UserEmail::__construct() — Method in class UserEmail
UserGroups::__construct() — Method in class UserGroups
UserHeadline::__construct() — Method in class UserHeadline
UserLocation::__construct() — Method in class UserLocation
UserName::__construct() — Method in class UserName
UserPassword::__construct() — Method in class UserPassword
UserShowOnline::__construct() — Method in class UserShowOnline
UserWebsite::__construct() — Method in class UserWebsite
Form::__construct() — Method in class Form
FormSection::__construct() — Method in class FormSection
GroupForm::__construct() — Method in class GroupForm
PageForm::__construct() — Method in class PageForm
PostForm::__construct() — Method in class PostForm
ReactionSetForm::__construct() — Method in class ReactionSetForm
ReactionTypeForm::__construct() — Method in class ReactionTypeForm
RegistrationForm::__construct() — Method in class RegistrationForm
StructureLinkForm::__construct() — Method in class StructureLinkForm
TagForm::__construct() — Method in class TagForm
TaxonomyForm::__construct() — Method in class TaxonomyForm
UserForm::__construct() — Method in class UserForm
UserProfileForm::__construct() — Method in class UserProfileForm
ConfirmPasswordController::__construct() — Method in class ConfirmPasswordController
ForgotPasswordController::__construct() — Method in class ForgotPasswordController
LoginController::__construct() — Method in class LoginController
LogoutController::__construct() — Method in class LogoutController
RegisterController::__construct() — Method in class RegisterController
ResetPasswordController::__construct() — Method in class ResetPasswordController
VerifyEmailController::__construct() — Method in class VerifyEmailController
FormatController::__construct() — Method in class FormatController
FormatController::__invoke() — Method in class FormatController
CommentController::__construct() — Method in class CommentController
IndexController::__construct() — Method in class IndexController
NotificationController::__construct() — Method in class NotificationController
PostController::__construct() — Method in class PostController
PreferencesController::__construct() — Method in class PreferencesController
SearchController::__construct() — Method in class SearchController
SearchController::__invoke() — Method in class SearchController
ImpersonateController::__construct() — Method in class ImpersonateController
ImpersonateController::__invoke() — Method in class ImpersonateController
UploadController::__construct() — Method in class UploadController
UploadController::__invoke() — Method in class UploadController
UserLookupController::__invoke() — Method in class UserLookupController
ContactOutpost::__construct() — Method in class ContactOutpost
MaybeRequireLogin::__construct() — Method in class MaybeRequireLogin
MaybeRequirePassword::__construct() — Method in class MaybeRequirePassword
LicenseManager::__construct() — Method in class LicenseManager
Outpost::__construct() — Method in class Outpost
Markdown::__construct() — Method in class Markdown
ReactionsSummary::__construct() — Method in class ReactionsSummary
ReactionsSummaryRelation::__construct() — Method in class ReactionsSummaryRelation
Mention::__construct() — Method in class Mention
NewComment::__construct() — Method in class NewComment
NewPost::__construct() — Method in class NewPost
ResetPassword::__construct() — Method in class ResetPassword
VerifyEmail::__construct() — Method in class VerifyEmail
ChannelPolicy::__construct() — Method in class ChannelPolicy
PostPolicy::__construct() — Method in class PostPolicy
PermittedScope::__construct() — Method in class PermittedScope
PostVisibleScope::__construct() — Method in class PostVisibleScope
Highlighter::__construct() — Method in class Highlighter
Hit::__construct() — Method in class Hit
Results::__construct() — Method in class Results
Searcher::__construct() — Method in class Searcher
Payload::__construct() — Method in class Payload
PendingUser::__construct() — Method in class PendingUser
WaterholeSso::__construct() — Method in class WaterholeSso
FluentTranslator::__construct() — Method in class FluentTranslator
ActionButton::__construct() — Method in class ActionButton
ActionButtons::__construct() — Method in class ActionButtons
ActionForm::__construct() — Method in class ActionForm
ActionMenu::__construct() — Method in class ActionMenu
Alert::__construct() — Method in class Alert
Attribution::__construct() — Method in class Attribution
AuthButtons::__construct() — Method in class AuthButtons
Avatar::__construct() — Method in class Avatar
Cancel::__construct() — Method in class Cancel
ChannelLabel::__construct() — Method in class ChannelLabel
ChannelPicker::__construct() — Method in class ChannelPicker
CollapsibleNav::__construct() — Method in class CollapsibleNav
CommentAnswerBadge::__construct() — Method in class CommentAnswerBadge
CommentFrame::__construct() — Method in class CommentFrame
CommentFull::__construct() — Method in class CommentFull
CommentMarkAsAnswer::__construct() — Method in class CommentMarkAsAnswer
CommentReactions::__construct() — Method in class CommentReactions
CommentReplies::__construct() — Method in class CommentReplies
CommentReplyButton::__construct() — Method in class CommentReplyButton
CommentsLocked::__construct() — Method in class CommentsLocked
Composer::__construct() — Method in class Composer
Cp::__construct() — Method in class Cp
ColorPicker::__construct() — Method in class ColorPicker
IconPicker::__construct() — Method in class IconPicker
PermissionGrid::__construct() — Method in class PermissionGrid
StructureNode::__construct() — Method in class StructureNode
TagRow::__construct() — Method in class TagRow
Dialog::__construct() — Method in class Dialog
FeedFilters::__construct() — Method in class FeedFilters
FeedTopPeriod::__construct() — Method in class FeedTopPeriod
Field::__construct() — Method in class Field
FollowButton::__construct() — Method in class FollowButton
GroupBadge::__construct() — Method in class GroupBadge
Html::__construct() — Method in class Html
Index::__construct() — Method in class Index
IndexCreatePost::__construct() — Method in class IndexCreatePost
IndexFooterLanguage::__construct() — Method in class IndexFooterLanguage
IndexNav::__construct() — Method in class IndexNav
InfiniteScroll::__construct() — Method in class InfiniteScroll
Layout::__construct() — Method in class Layout
MenuItem::__construct() — Method in class MenuItem
NavHeading::__construct() — Method in class NavHeading
NavLink::__construct() — Method in class NavLink
Notification::__construct() — Method in class Notification
NotificationAlert::__construct() — Method in class NotificationAlert
NotificationsBadge::__construct() — Method in class NotificationsBadge
PinnedPost::__construct() — Method in class PinnedPost
PostActivity::__construct() — Method in class PostActivity
PostAnswer::__construct() — Method in class PostAnswer
PostAnswered::__construct() — Method in class PostAnswered
PostAttribution::__construct() — Method in class PostAttribution
PostCard::__construct() — Method in class PostCard
PostChannel::__construct() — Method in class PostChannel
PostFeed::__construct() — Method in class PostFeed
PostFeedChannel::__construct() — Method in class PostFeedChannel
PostFeedPinned::__construct() — Method in class PostFeedPinned
PostFeedToolbar::__construct() — Method in class PostFeedToolbar
PostFull::__construct() — Method in class PostFull
PostListItem::__construct() — Method in class PostListItem
PostLocked::__construct() — Method in class PostLocked
PostNotifications::__construct() — Method in class PostNotifications
PostReactions::__construct() — Method in class PostReactions
PostReactionsCondensed::__construct() — Method in class PostReactionsCondensed
PostReplies::__construct() — Method in class PostReplies
PostSidebar::__construct() — Method in class PostSidebar
PostTagsSummary::__construct() — Method in class PostTagsSummary
PostTitle::__construct() — Method in class PostTitle
PostTrash::__construct() — Method in class PostTrash
PostUnread::__construct() — Method in class PostUnread
ReactionSetPicker::__construct() — Method in class ReactionSetPicker
Reactions::__construct() — Method in class Reactions
RelativeTime::__construct() — Method in class RelativeTime
Selector::__construct() — Method in class Selector
TagsFilter::__construct() — Method in class TagsFilter
TextEditor::__construct() — Method in class TextEditor
TextEditorButton::__construct() — Method in class TextEditorButton
UserGroups::__construct() — Method in class UserGroups
UserJoined::__construct() — Method in class UserJoined
UserLabel::__construct() — Method in class UserLabel
UserLastSeen::__construct() — Method in class UserLastSeen
UserLink::__construct() — Method in class UserLink
UserLocation::__construct() — Method in class UserLocation
UserProfile::__construct() — Method in class UserProfile
UserWebsite::__construct() — Method in class UserWebsite
Feed::__construct() — Method in class Feed
GettingStarted::__construct() — Method in class GettingStarted
LineChart::__construct() — Method in class LineChart