Comment #⁨1⁩

Toby Toby Waterhole Founder Jun 3, 2024

Hi @Michael, thanks very much for your kind words.

In my other job I work with both React and Vue, and coming back to Waterhole is always breath of fresh air. I find the Laravel + Hotwire stack much simpler to work with and reason about. There's no client-side state management to worry about, no rendering performance issues, and working directly with the models/database is refreshing.

I'm a huge fan of Laravel's Blade components in keeping the view layer nice and tidy. And I really like the Hotwire paradigm, because at the end of the day, it feels like I'm building a really basic web 1.0 app, just with a bit of progressive enhancement. I would highly recommend it!

  1. In reply to Toby Toby

    I really wanted to know, Why Hotwire? why not use Livewire for this project?

    I only reason i'm still thinking about buying this package is Hotwire choice, not a deal breaker but i don't want to know yet another stack outside work.