Comment #⁨5⁩

After approximately 40 mins, it was completed.

Error importing comments #573211: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: t line 1 and br in Entity, line: 1

Error importing comments #573212: DOMDocument::loadXML(): EntityRef: expecting ';' in Entity, line: 1

Error importing comments #573213: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: t line 1 and br in Entity, line: 1

Error importing comments #573216: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: t line 1 and br in Entity, line: 1

Error importing comments #573217: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: t line 1 and br in Entity, line: 1

Error importing comments #573223: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: t line 1 and br in Entity, line: 1
 537738/537738 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%

Comparison to the size of the data table, it appears that there are many missing entries.


waterhole :

flarum_posts & waterhole_comment :

User data was entered, but unable to log in. Is it necessary to change the password?

  1. Toby Toby Waterhole Founder May 27, 2023
    In reply to Subarist Subarist

    It looks like many of the posts in your Flarum table contain closing </br> tags, in the absence of an opening <br> tag. This is invalid XML and doesn't make sense – they should be self-closing <br/> tags.

    1. Can you please post the full content of one of these posts?
    2. Can you verify that Flarum renders these posts properly?

    A possible fix may be to run a find & replace on your Flarum posts table, replacing </br> with <br/>, and then try running the import again.

    User data was entered, but unable to log in. Is it necessary to change the password?

    Yes, user passwords will need to be reset.