In reply to
Apr 1, 2024

Hey @Greg Garrison, "private discussion" on the homepage is referring to the ability to set up user groups and permissions for different parts of the community. Let me know if you have any questions a...
Ahh - gotcha. Great. We'll definitely take advantage of that.
I think at some point we're also going to want something like a private inbox for individual, one-to-one messaging. Is anything like that already on the roadmap? I thought your brainstorming above was super helpful and I'd love to get any insight/reaction from the guy who created the package. :)
Off the top of your head, would you re-use channels (adding 2 nullable user_id columns for to and from maybe?) or create a new table for "messages"? There'd also be probably 2 or 3 new route/controller/view just related to an "inbox" and creating messages. Do you see any likely pitfalls?
Thanks, Toby.
Ah I see - private messaging is definitely on the roadmap as a core feature! Likely in one of the next few 0.x releases. The brainstorming in this topic is more for private channels (which are not on the roadmap) rather than private messages. The messaging feature will be separate from channels.