Comment #⁨4⁩

In reply to Toby Toby

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 23.06.50.png

  1. Toby Toby Waterhole Founder Mar 25, 2024
    In reply to K Kate

    Ah, I see - that link is a part of Waterhole by default so I wasn't sure if it was the one you were talking about. But, it only shows up if there is a route named waterhole.register - and if you have set the allow_registration config to false (as you should when setting up the Laravel integration), then that route won't exist.

    The solution is to register your own register route to redirect to your app's registration page, similar to what should already be doing for the login route:

    Extend\ForumRoutes::add(function () {
            fn() => redirect()