Ah, I see - that link is a part of Waterhole by default so I wasn't sure if it was the one you were talking about. But, it only shows up if there is a route named waterhole.register - and if you have...
@Toby, for the Laravel Integration portion of the docs, maybe you could add a step to create a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public by running the command below. Otherwise the js/css files won't load when visiting the waterhole portion of the application.
php artisan storage:link
I wasn't sure where to post this as I can't submit changes to the docs.
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Hey @Toby, for the Laravel Integration portion of the docs, maybe you could add a step to create a symbolic link from
by running the command below. Otherwise the js/css files won't load when visiting the waterhole portion of the application.I wasn't sure where to post this as I can't submit changes to the docs.