Dorian Dominguez
Dorian Dominguez's Comments
I just did a clean Laravel 11 install and integrated a clean install of Waterhole and it's working as expected fml. Any gotchas with sharing a DB between the main app and Waterhole that I should be aware of?
- Can i use Tailwindcss?
So I kinda tried doing this recently and it wasn't as straight forward as just pointing to the CSS entry point where the Tailwind directives are in my app.css. I'm using Laravel 11 and I'm pulling in Waterhole into my app. I think the issue I'm having is that v11 uses Vite and Waterhole doesn't. I tried to set up Laravel mix and have basically 2 tailwinds but that felt hacky. I also played with the idea of using a cdn for Tailwind but that would be bad for performance. I'm new to Laravel and just got Waterhole setup and running in my app. I would love for someone smarter than me to help me get Tailwind working with Waterhole
Figured out my own problem and learned about assigning global view composers that use the same name as your user not being a good idea
Did this in my AppServiceProvider to check user subscriptions status in various areas of my app after I integrated Lemon Squeezy and had no idea it would overwrite the users everywhere (copy pasta):
Whelp lesson learned...