Hi @mtdmy, you'll need to:
- Create a new Stimulus controller at
, and then register it with Waterhole's Stimulus instance inresources/js/app.js
import HelloController from './controllers/hello_controller';
window.Stimulus.register('hello', HelloController);
Set up a JavaScript compilation step - probably the easiest way is to use Laravel Mix. Output your compiled JavaScript to
.Add this script to Waterhole's JavaScript bundle in your service provider:
Hopefully that's enough to get you started – let me know if you have any specific questions.
I'll try . tanks
Hello Toby,
Recently, I've been working on some demos, but I've run into some issues with organizing my frontend configuration. Specifically, I'm wondering how I can manage files like package.json, tsconfig, and webpack.mix.js.
Would you happen to have any advice or a demo you could share with me? I've already checked out the Waterhole extension template, but unfortunately, I didn't find what I was looking for there.
Thank you for your help!