
Learn how to add scripts, stylesheets, and other public assets to the Waterhole layout.

Asset Bundles

Waterhole creates bundles of scripts and stylesheets to reduce the number of HTTP requests needed when loading the page. You can register your own files to be included in these bundles.


Add stylesheets to the bundle using the Stylesheet extender. Waterhole will concatenate stylesheets onto the end of the bundle:

use Waterhole\Extend;



Add scripts to the bundle using the Script extender. Waterhole will concatenate scripts onto the end of the bundle:


CP Bundle

By default, assets are added to the main bundle which is loaded on every page – both in the forum and CP. If you want to add assets to be loaded only in the CP, specify the bundle name as cp:

Extend\Stylesheet::add(resource_path('css/styles.css'), bundle: 'cp');

Public Assets

If you have public assets like images, or scripts and stylesheets that you don't want to include in the bundle, place them in your application's public directory and then refer to them in your views using Laravel's asset() function.

If you're developing an extension, use the service provider's publishes method to publish your assets to the application's public directory:

    [__DIR__.'/../public' => public_path('vendor/my-extension')],

External Assets

To link to an external asset (e.g. Google Fonts or something else from a CDN), don't use the Stylesheet or Script extenders. Instead, use the DocumentHead extender to add a view to output in the <head> tag.

use Waterhole\Extend;
