Congrats on the great work. Thinking about using this for a football forum so just wondering what the roadmap looks like specifically on these items. I appreciate the project is new and you might be concentrating on the core elements first and foremost. I also understand most of these will be subjective.
- Polls (up to 11 answers)
- Private Messaging
- Users reporting posts
- Not following posts automatically but option to follow. (Realise subjective)
- First post title and text too big. Would prefer title font maybe large and the text the same as the other posts which I think is medium. See screenshot which changed in browser (Again, appreciate this is subjective and I am sure could be changed easily with custom CSS)
- Reaction icons not showing on main thread list and only inside the thread. (Subjective and I am sure easy to CSS to remove)
- Share posts to social media although copying a link is just as easy.
- Ignore users
Thanks @seasider! I can't give any timeframes, but I can say what's planned (as it currently stands) and which things you are likely to see before others: