Comment #⁨4⁩

Toby Toby Waterhole Founder Apr 16, 2024
In reply to R Ryan Pitts

Laravel 11 support has been added in 0.4.8 🎉

@Ryan Pitts Hopefully you're able to switch back over to the official package - let me know if any issues. But for future reference, the command to compile Waterhole's assets is npm run prod.

  1. In reply to Toby Toby

    Yep, i can switch over! I was just playing around with it.

    Thanks for getting the Laravel 11 support work completed!

  2. In reply to Toby Toby

    @Toby i have it all setup and running within my app now. The only part I'm a little stuck on is how do i get Waterhole to create user records in its users table for my existing users?

    I tried logging out and logging back in thinking the traits and everything i added to my user model class would force it to create the record if it didn't exist.

    I also tried just navigating to the forum while logged in and it just sent me to the forums login screen.

    I did adjust these settings in the config/waterhole/auth.php file:

    'allow_registration' => false,
    'password_enabled' => false,

    Possible that I am missing something?

  3. In reply to Toby Toby

    Hey Toby, I'm assuming 0.4.8 is yet to be released? As composer update doesn't pull in that version nor does starting a new project via composer create-project waterhole/waterhole path/to/forum.