- Waterhole is not free
- See this https://waterhole.dev/docs/main/migrating#migrating-from-other-platforms
Why did you visit my profile? Are you lost? Ahh anyways here is cookie.
He still replies on the forum and most likely preparing soon new update. Let him cook
Any ETA on the next update? (not pushing, just curious)
Do you use VPS or shared hosting enviroment?
Okay, I was too happy that I found solution and didn't notice that I cannot turn off or replace emojis in the editor. Users can still pick up emojis and they all are coming from CDN instead of being hosted on the server. I will try to find a way to fix this, but let me know if you know a workaround :)
Possible way around would be to selfhost data? emoji-picker-element? However I see no option for Laravel and don't really understand how to make it.
Hey Toby!
Just wanted to update that changing file in /core/resources/dist/emoji.js does the job! However it took me couple of minutes to understand why there was still jsdeliver in the background. But after quick debugging I found out that all of emojis are hosted on jsdeliver.
So for example this laughing emoji https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/twitter/twemoji@latest/assets/svg/1f602.svg
Either way this is not biggie and can be replaced in the admin. Wish we had an option to upload .svg files as images. Right now it is not possible, but I can just replace it with icons from Blade with different icon pack.
Thanks a lot for the help! This is all I wanted and I got used to changing this kind of things manually
Quick question. Do you run Redis? Just wonder if setting it up is worth for small communities.
It might be possible https://dev.to/shelob9/how-to-use-wordpress-as-an-authentication-provider-for-laravel-4gd3. I doubt that this will be in the core, but someone could definitely make an extension for this (?).
Not too late! Happy to see that someone noticed this thread. I was actually working on this for a whole week and managed to make it work yesterday... took a lot of tries. There is still many things I need to verify such as installing icons, redis and updating Waterhole.
I want to write the guide after all the testing, but currently I have to sort out permissions.
php artisan waterhole:install
After successfully running installation you won't be able to access Waterhole.
The stream or file "/home/admin/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/waterhole/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permission denied The exception occurred while attempting to log: The stream or file "/home/admin/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/waterhole/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permission denied The exception occurred while attempting to log: The stream or file "/home/admin/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/waterhole/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permission denied The exception occurred while attempting to log: The stream or file "/home/admin/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/waterhole/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permission denied The exception occurred while attempting to log: The stream or file "/home/admin/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/waterhole/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permission denied The exception occurred while attempting to log: The stream or file "/home/admin/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/waterhole/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permission denied The exception occurred while attempting to log: The stream or file "/home/admin/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/waterhole/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permission denied The exception occurred while attempting to log: file_put_contents(/home/admin/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/waterhole/storage/framework/views/93cbfbb5f501dc6bd9a8c1c2b2b1eec9.php): Failed to open stream: Permission denied Context: {"exception":{}} Context: {"exception":{}} Context: {"exception":{}} Context: {"exception":{}} Context: {"exception":{}} Context: {"exception":{}} Context: {"exception":{}}
PHP 8.2.18
file_put_contents(/home/user/web/temporarydomain.com/public_html/storage/framework/cache/data/9e/2b/9e2b818fa9ebab8a1cf1e554c078022f690de0d5): Failed to open stream: Permission denied
73 vendor frames
public / index.php : 51
| Composer provides a convenient, automatically generated class loader for
| this application. We just need to utilize it! We'll simply require it
| into the script here so we don't need to manually load our classes.
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
| Run The Application
| Once we have the application, we can handle the incoming request using
| the application's HTTP kernel. Then, we will send the response back
| to this client's browser, allowing them to enjoy our application.
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
$kernel = $app->make(Kernel::class);
$response = $kernel->handle(
$request = Request::capture()
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);
First I through that the issue was with misconfiguration nginix, but it was simple permission issue.
To fix it I had to do next:
chmod -R 777 ./public_html
chmod -R 775 /home/admin/web/yourdomain.net/public_html/waterhole/storage
The problem is that I suspect this is not right. I don't know what kind of permissions should each folder be inside the Waterhole from security perspective. I also wonder why the permissions did not get set correctly during installation.
Anyone mind sharing that permissions should be for each folder? Much appreciated!
At the moment you can simply copy and paste URL of any Giphy and it will embed it automatically in the post.
In my opinion this feature should belong more or less to chats and would just bloat the editor/community with reaction gifs.
And Giphy is nightmare from the privacy standpoint https://twitter.com/illyism/status/1774425117117788223
Just my two cents, I don't decide here anything :)
Adding any external link with ending .mp4 will automatically make it embed, but it does not respect the size of the message.
I think it is fine, as long as we have "Preview" in the post. It is easy to understand, if you can use preview.
Secondly, $100 annually for updates for a project that does not bring me money, this is unacceptable.
I think the pricing is fair. There is many paid solutions in the same price range. However I do agree about solo developing, but not for the same reasons as you. The main risks are security, so hopefully Waterhole team will grow and we get security audits in the future or someone in the team who will take care of this.
Does this one still work? How should the updates be performed in this case?
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