💡 Ideas
René René May 29, 2023

Text width

I quite like the design in general terms. I'd just want to make the text width / container narrower to help with readability. This might subjective but I do tend to agree with Paul Graham that text is most legible with no more than 70 characters per line (currently around 120).

I'm assuming this should be straightforward to tweak with custom CSS, but it might worth considering for the default style as well.

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Thanks for the feedback @René! You're right – I've adjusted the default theme slightly in 0.2. May make further adjustments in the future, though probably won't take it all the way down to 70 characters.

Couple things you can tweak with custom CSS:

.container {
    max-width: 72rem;

/* and/or */

:root {
  --measure: 92ch;