Hi @René, I've never used Firebase Authentication before but I just had a look into this. As far as I can tell, Firebase doesn't expose an OAuth server so it can't be used with Laravel Socialite.
For the next Waterhole release (0.4) I am planning a single sign-on (SSO) feature that should make this integration possible. I'd be happy to help you set this up if you're happy to beta-test it!
In the meantime, launching with Waterhole's default auth should be fine as the SSO system will allow you to match up accounts by their email.
Thanks @Toby, sounds good! Happy to be beta testers and in the meantime we'll probably launch with Waterhole's default auth and sync emails with Firebase.
Quick update — We're now considering using Waterhole's default auth as the main Login method for our web app too (blank.page). This way we have a single user database and avoid having to match accounts.
Is it possible to customize Waterhole's login/signup pages so they can be used as "generic" login modules? Similar to Google's sign-in that's used to access its different services.
Anyway, maybe this use-case can help shape the upcoming SSO feature...?