
Customize the widgets displayed on the Control Panel Dashboard.

The Dashboard page of the Control Panel is a canvas on which you can lay out widgets. A widget might display useful information and insights about your community, or offer shortcuts or functionality. There are a few widgets available out of the box, and developers can also easily build custom widgets and distribute them as extensions.

On a fresh Waterhole installation, the dashboard is configured to show a few simple widgets: a Getting Started widget, a feed of the Waterhole blog, and line chart widgets showing the number of new users, posts, and comments in your community.

Configuring Widgets

To customize the widgets on the dashboard, open up the config/waterhole/cp.php file and find the widgets setting. This is an array where each item represents a widget instance and its configuration:

'widgets' => [
    // ...
        'component' => Waterhole\Widgets\LineChart::class,
        'width' => 1 / 3,
        'title' => 'waterhole::cp.dashboard-users-title',
        'model' => Waterhole\Models\User::class,
    // ...

Each widget configuration array must have the following keys:

  • component: The name of the widget component class.
  • width: The minimum width of the widget on the dashboard. Numeric values represent a fraction – in the above example, 1 / 3 will make the widget take up a third of the available width. You can also specify a string containing a raw CSS width value (e.g. 10rem). Note that widgets will grow to take up any extra space if available.

Any additional key-value pairs will be passed to the widget component as configuration options.

Built-in Widgets

Getting Started

    'component' => Waterhole\Widgets\GettingStarted::class,
    'width' => 1 / 2,

The Getting Started widget displays a few helpful pointers on where to begin when setting up your Waterhole community. Once you have finished the steps, you may wish to remove this widget from your configuration.


    'component' => Waterhole\Widgets\Feed::class,
    'width' => 1 / 2,
    'url' => 'https://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/lg_image_of_the_day.rss',
    'limit' => 4,

The Feed widget displays the latest entries from an RSS or Atom feed, refreshing every 12 hours.

  • url: The URL of the RSS or Atom feed.
  • limit: The number of entries to display.
  • title: An optional title for the widget – otherwise, the feed title will be used.

Line Chart

    'component' => Waterhole\Widgets\LineChart::class,
    'width' => 1 / 3,
    'title' => 'waterhole::cp.dashboard-users-title',
    'model' => Waterhole\Models\User::class,

The Line Chart widget displays a line chart showing the number of models created across a selectable time period, compared to the previous period.

  • title: A title for the widget. This can be a translation key or the text itself.
  • model: The class name of the model for which to display statistics.
  • column: The name of the timestamp column to track. Defaults to created_at.
  • defaultPeriod: The default period selected. Available periods are: today, last_7_days, last_4_weeks, last_3_months, last_12_months, this_month, this_quarter, this_year, all_time. Defaults to last_7_days.