
Buttons allow users to take actions and make choices with a single click.

The .btn class can be applied to any element to give it the appearance of a button:

Link Button
<button class="btn">Button</button> <a href="#" class="btn">Link Button</a>


Use a .bg class to apply a color to the button:

<button class="btn bg-accent">Accent</button>
<button class="btn bg-success">Success</button>
<button class="btn bg-warning">Attention</button>
<button class="btn bg-danger">Danger</button>
<button class="btn bg-emphasis">Emphasis</button>

For toggle buttons, use the [aria-pressed="true"] attribute to indicate that the control is turned on:

<button class="btn" aria-pressed="true">Active</button>


.btn--outline and .btn--transparent are available to create less visually prominent buttons:

<button class="btn btn--outline">Outline</button>
<button class="btn btn--transparent">Transparent</button>


Icons can be used in buttons to supplement text labels:

<button class="btn">

Use the .btn--icon class to create an icon-only button. Don't forget to add an aria-label attribute or a tooltip.

<button class="btn btn--icon" aria-label="Accept">


.btn--sm, .btn--wide and .btn--narrow are available to tweak the size of a button:

<button class="btn btn--sm">Small</button>
<button class="btn">Normal</button>
<button class="btn btn--wide">Wide</button>
<button class="btn btn--narrow">Narrow</button>