Forms & Inputs


<input>, <textarea>, and <select> elements are styled globally. You can apply identical styles to other elements using the .input, .textarea, and .select classes:

Div that looks like an input
<div class="stack gap-sm">
    <input type="text" value="Input" />



    <input type="file" />

    <div class="input">Div that looks like an input</div>

Input Container

Wrap an input in an .input-container to decorate it with icons or buttons:

<div class="input-container">
    @icon('tabler-search', ['class' => 'no-pointer'])
    <input type="text">
        <button class="btn btn--icon btn--sm btn--transparent">

Checkbox & Radio

Checkboxes and radio inputs are styled globally.

Apply the .choice class to a surrounding <label> for proper alignment of a checkbox/radio input and its text label:

<div class="stack gap-sm">
    <label class="choice">
        <input type="checkbox" />

    <label class="choice">
        <input type="radio" />

Text Editor

The TextEditor component decorates a <textarea> with a markdown toolbar, auto-suggests users for @ mentions, and supports the ability to preview the formatted content:

    value="Hello, world!"
    placeholder="Enter your text"

Color Picker

The ColorPicker component allows the user to visually pick a hex (or hex alpha) color. This component is only available in the context of the CP.

<x-waterhole::cp.color-picker name="color" value="abcdef"/>


Fields are a standard way to lay out a form control, its label, and help text or status message. If there is enough room, the label and control will be displayed in a row; otherwise, they will be stacked.

Enter your email address.
<div class="field">
    <label class="field__label">Email</label>
    <div class="grow stack gap-xs">
        <input type="email" />
        <div class="field__description">Enter your email address.</div>

The Field component can be used to efficiently construct this markup. It will also automatically show validation errors for the field:

Enter your email address.

    description="Enter your email address."
    <input type="email" name="email">

Multiple fields can be spaced using the .stack layout utility – commonly together with .dividers:

Enter your full name.

Enter your email address.

<div class="stack dividers">
        description="Enter your full name."
        <input type="text" name="name">

        description="Enter your email address."
        <input type="email" name="email">