
A nav is a vertical list of navigation links, commonly presented in a sidebar.


Use the .nav class for the containing element and .nav-link on the clickable elements, which may contain icons and badges. For accessibility, navs should be wrapped in a <nav> or element with [role="navigation"].

<nav class="nav" aria-label="forum">
  <a href="#" class="nav-link" aria-current="page">
  <a href="#" class="nav-link">

Nav links are regarded as "active" if they have the .is-active class or the [aria-current="page"] attribute.

Use the .nav-heading class for a heading:

<h3 class="nav-heading">Heading</h3>

Blade Components

Nav Link

The <x-waterhole::nav-link> component is available to easily construct nav links and conditionally apply the [aria-current="page"] attribute. In addition to a label, icon, badge, and badge-class, you can pass:

  • route to link to a named route (active if that is the current route)
  • href to link to a URL (active if the current URL starts with the given URL)
  • active as a boolean or Closure to manually set the item's active state

Nav Heading

The <x-waterhole::nav-heading> component can be used for headings.

<x-waterhole::nav-heading heading="Heading"/>

Collapsible Nav

In combination with the sidebar layout, the <x-waterhole::collapsible-nav> component is great for constructing navs which collapse into a button at smaller screen sizes.

It accepts an array of Blade Component instances which will be rendered in a nav. At smaller screen sizes, the nav will be hidden in a drawer, toggleable by a button. If there is an active NavLink component, its icon and label and will be displayed on the button; otherwise, it will be a generic "menu" button.

    use Waterhole\View\Components\NavLink;

    $components = [
        new NavLink(label: 'Home', icon: 'tabler-home', route: 'waterhole.home'),
        new NavLink(label: 'Google', icon: 'tabler-google', href: ''),

<div class="with-sidebar">
    <div class="sidebar">
        <x-waterhole::collapsible-nav :components="$components"/>


The component accepts the following optional slots:

  • empty can be used to override the button content when no item is active
  • button can be used to override the button content in all cases